☠️Last To Die In A Horror Movie☠️

18 1 0

Aries♈️: Can't die because they are the murder

Taurus♉️: Somehow manages to escape

Gemini♊️: Dies first cause they make stupid moves

Cancer♋️: Dies last cause he/she was hiding the whole time

Leo♌️: Dies in their sleep

Virgo♍️: Gets possessed and helps kill everyone

Libra♎️: The murder kidnaps her because she is too pretty to die

Scorpio♏️: They don't {lucky af}

Sagittarius♐️: Gets killed by a possessed dog

Capricorn♑️: Is the possessed dog and jumps off a cliff

Aquarius♒️: Has A Heart attack

Pisces♓️: Overdoses

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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