"What Was It Like?"

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Lydia paces around the room, it has been an hour since they had been in that circle. She looks over to the three bodies spread out on the floor. Lydia kept hearing the ticking of the clock. "Hurry, please." Lydia sighs.

Scott opens his eyes, he bolts right up, he wasn't in the room he remembered. He looks around, the place was dark, there was a lamp but it kept flickering. He saw no one in sight. Even with his wolf eyes. He stands up, nearing the lamp. His eyes focus on the flickering. "Scott?"

That voice. He turns around to see the one and only, Allison Argent. "Allison?"

"What are you doing here?" Allison asks, a tint of worrying in her voice. "I'm here for Colline." Scott says, nearing her. "Scott don't come any closer." Allison warns him. "Are you real?"

"Scott, don't." Allison says, her voice full of cautiousness. Scott took another step and he felt the ground beneath him shattered. "No! Scott!" Allison tried to reach him but it was too late.

Scott falls down on his back, he groans in pain. He looks up, it was dark again. He looks around and saw a door. Slightly open. He walks toward it and he opens it with no hesitation.

Bright light covered his vision as he tried to look away. The light disappears and he was in a white room. The room looked so endless. He walked and walked, until he spotted a coffin.

Scott walks towards it, hesitating to open it. He lifts the lid up, no one was there. Someone had to be here, he thought. Was he too late?

"They took her." He hears her voice again. "Who did?" He turns to her. "Isaac and his sister." Allison says. "Where am I?" Scott asks her. "The afterlife. There is no hell or heaven, Scott."

"Can I take you back?" Scott asks his former lover. "Oh, Scott." Allison puts a hand on his cheek. "Colline can be back, why can't you?" Scott was now tearing up.

"Because I've already been given peace." Allison says, her voice shaking. "You need to move on with your life. And I'm fine, Scott." Allison sheds a tear with her last statement.

"You need to go." Allison says. "One last time." Scott crashes his lips with his. Both crying and unable to let go, they pull away, "I love you so much, Allison. I never got to say that."

Allison smiles, "I love you too. And know, I'm always going to be here. And protect you."

Scott holds a hand to his chest, "You're always here."

"Tell my dad I miss him. I miss all of you. Goodbye, Scott."

"Goodbye, Allison."


"Scott!" Piercing sounds entered Scott's ears. He shot his eyes wide open, he sees Lydia, beside him, panting. "Oh, thank God." Lydia lets out a sigh of relief and hugs him.

"What happened?"

"Your body was about to dissolve." Isaac says. "You were the longest one out. You were there for six hours."

Scott remembered everything. Seeing Allison and everything she told him. "I saw her, Lydia. I saw Allison." The name fluttered Lydia's heart. "What did she say?" Lydia faces Scott, she was desperate. "She misses all of us."

"She found peace, Lydia." Lydia shuts her eyes as tears fall down on her cheeks. She missed her bestfriend so much.

Scott stands up and nears Colline's body. She still wasn't awake. "Her body is healthy, it almost looks like she's sleeping now. It won't take long." Diane tells Scott. "How long?"

"Maybe a day. Maybe a few hours."

Isaac sat on the couch, guarding Colline as he watched the dancing flames of the candles lit around the room. "You don't have to watch her all night." Scott says, entering the living room, interrupting Isaac's train of thoughts. "I know. I just want to be there when she opens her eyes again." Isaac says.

"Derek's back. He says he'll come here tomorrow." Scott says. Scott sat down beside Isaac. A moment of  occured in the room. "What was like it for you?" Scott asked Isaac.


"The afterlife."

"Oh. It seemed more like of hell to me." Scott furrows his eyebrows, "Why so?"

"At first I was drowning, and the next thing I knew I was trapped. Trapped inside the freezer my father kept me." Isaac fiddles with his fingers. "How about you?"

"I woke up to a dark room and saw Allison. And then I fell into this hole and it led me there, the afterlife." Scott says. "Diane said the first thing we see is our weakness. The second thing we see is  strength. But your weakness can be your strength too, right?" Isaac looks at the alpha.

Scott recalled to the time where he had trouble controlling his shifting. Allison made him control himself. She was his anchor. "Yes. They can be."

The two werewolves sat in silence, until they had both fallen asleep. Isaac dreamt of the same thing he experienced in hell. Drowning and kept in the freezer. Over and over again. Until it eventually stopped, he sees the light, only to guide him into the afterlife. Where he sees Colline lying inside a coffin.

He nears it, but as he does, he falls into the dark. "No!" Isaac gasps.

He was back in the land of the living. Scott on the other side of the couch, peacefully asleep. But when he looked to where Colline was lying, she wasn't there. Isaac then hears a sound from the kitchen.

He slowly walked to the kitchen and saw the fridge open. He walked towards it and saw Colline, eating. She just sat there, eating. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Colline?" She looks up, the mossy green eyes captivated Isaac once again.

Colline was eating everything in the fridge. Isaac sat down beside Colline. She was eating everything, even the raw ones. Isaac gets the raw steak before Colline could. Colline growls at Isaac. "How about you sit while I cook this?"

Colline still looked angry at Isaac. "Over there." Isaac points to a chair, meaning for Colline to sit. Colline quietly obeys. Isaac watched Colline sit in the chair. Colline looks at Isaac for a few minutes before gesturing a "what" look. Obviously impatient, and irritated that Isaac hadn't been cooking what he promised.

Isaac chuckles to himself. He stands up at turns on the stove, and cooks the steak. He turns around to see Colline asleep. He smiles to himself as he nears her. He returns to the steak and puts it on a plate, and serves it to Colline.

"Hey." Isaac taps Colline awake. Colline wakes up slowly and sees the steak. She eagerly ate the steak and finished it within seconds. Isaac just looks at her. Colline and Isaac's eyes meet.

"Are you okay?" Colline looked at Isaac like he was an alien. She touches his face, touching every portion of his face. Isaac glowed his eyes that made Colline's eyes glow too. Colline was amazed by this.

"Something's wrong with you." Isaac mumbles to himself. "Colline?"


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