Part 1: A New Job

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Edge: Fell Papyrus
Red: Fell Sans
Sans: Original Sans
Papyrus: Original Papyrus
Stretch: Swap Papyrus
Blueberry: Swap Sans
All other characters are original UT characters (expect OC's)

Red wasn't sure what to think of this new city. Edge's new job, being a white house guard, required them to move to DC. Now nothing against the big city, but Red didn't like crowds, or people. Especially new people.

But of course Edge always wanted to be a guard for the President. He started off being a guard for their old city's mayor, and when he saved the old man's life, he got noticed by the President and got promoted. (Warning this is not how you become a guard for the President, I am making this up) So when he got the job offer, he dragged Red to DC.

The small male sighed as he dropped off the last box into their new apartment. He had the task of setting everything up as his little brother was off getting set up at his new job. Now Red is a twenty six year old male, why is he living with his twenty year old brother? Thats simple, after his father died he had to drop out of college to take care of his bro. And now, he's terrified of leaving. He knows it's stupid to be scared of your family, heck he feels stupid, but ever since their dad died Edge started acting more violent, and more violent towards Red.

Edge would hit Red whenever he did something Edge didn't like, which was pretty much everything Red did. He made Red start calling him Boss instead of brother or even Edge. Red was practically his little brother's slave.

After he set up everything, which wasn't much, just a ragged green couch with suspicious red stains, a picture of a dog bone (don't ask), a few plates, Edge's bed and desk, and Red's sheets that served as his bed. He pulled out a newspaper, as his brother didn't allow him to use technology, and started looking for a job that would take a college drop out.

It took him awhile, but eventually he found an ad for How To: Diner and Bakery. The owners, two girls by the name of Keket and Rose, were looking for more workers. Red quickly wrote down the address that the ad gave for the Diner, which luckily wasn't to far, and left a small note for Edge incase he came back while Red was gone, and left the small apartment.

He only had to walk a few blocks (warning I do not know the layout of DC) before he came to the small brick building that was edged between two much taller buildings. Hesitantly he entered the small establishment, a bell going off as soon as he opened the door. The interior was retro with black and white tiles and old fashion red booths. A jukebox was playing old country songs in the corner next to a glass counter that had a verity of sweets displayed.

"Just a minute!" A voice called from the back.

Red walked over to the counter and glanced down at all the cakes and pies that were on display. He could feel his mouth watering. He hadn't been given any dinner the other night, nor any breakfast or lunch this morning and he was famished.

"Oh hi!" A voice chirped, drawing Red's attention away from the desserts.

"Hi, uh, I was here about the job." Red muttered nervously.

The girl smiled at him. She was slightly taller then him and had long wavy black hair. Her eyes were a mixture of gold and silver and seemed to dance in the light. She wore a simple black t-shirt with a Captain America logo (I do not own Captain America) and blue jeans. Her hair was up in a pony tail and a white apron was tied around her waist. "Of course, here follow me into the back and Rose will give you some papers to fill out."

Red nodded and followed the black haird girl into the kitchen part of the Diner. A male slightly taler then him, yet shorter then the dark haired girl, stood at the stove fliping a hamburger. His back was facing Red, so he could only make out the skeleton baseball cap he was wearing over his spiky white hair. And of course the males curves.

Suddenly Red ran into a solid being. Turning to look back in front of him, he was met with a much taller female who stared down at him with piercing gray eyes.

"Uh, s-sorry-" Red stuttered, backing away from the lady.

She rolled her eyes, brushing her long curly blond hair back behind her ear, "'s fine kid, Keket said you're here for a job?" Red nodded, "I'm Rose, co-owner of this place."

Rose stuck out her hand for him to shake. Red hesitantly reached out and shook the female's hand. The two girls smiled at him.

"We need someone to help run the register," The dark haired girl, he assumed she was Keket, explained,  "Papyrus and Sans run the kitchen with Rose, and usally Stretch and I run the counter, but I'm heading back to college to get my writing degree and need someone to help with the counter."

Rose leads Red over to a make shift desk in the corner of the kitchen that they use as an office as Keket goes back to the counter as the bell goes off again. She hands him a few papers to fill out before rushing back to the front when Keket calls her. He finishes the papers fairly quickly, after all he hasn't had many work experiences to tell them about. Rose still wasn't back and he could hear an argument going on in the front.

The faint humming of the stove shut off and Red looked up to find the cook he saw earlier looking over at him. His breath got caught in his throat as the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen watched him. The blue was the perfect shade of indigo and a rich cobalt, and they shined with amusement and happiness. He felt a blush creep onto his cheeks as the male continued to watch him.

But the staring contest was broken as Rose stormed back into the kitchen, "Ugh! Why does Jesse think he can shut us down! He has no proof we did anything wrong!"

Keket walks in behind her, "He is a asshole, Rose, thats what asshole's do."

Psh, boi, I can do another story.
I don't care if The Servant still has another ending to go (well I do but thats not the point)
ANYWAYS Kustard fan fic is here! There might be slight Honeymustard as that was my main undertale ship (other then Alphyne) but I was asked to do Kustard awhile ago by GamingWithJoan and I like the ship SO HERE WE GOOOOOOOO
Please like da story ;-; The Servant go so much loveeee and none of my storys get so much loveeee please love dis storyyyyy ;-;
. . . .peace my pepz
(This was done at midnight, I'm weird okay?)

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