Part 5: Rose has Gay Eyes

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Red figured he should of saw this coming. He should of knew, as soon as he got comfortable, as soon as he relaxed, everything would come crashing down. Yet when he walked to that small diner, he got comfortable, as soon as they stood up for him, he relaxed. Stupid. So stupid.

"Your joking right?" Keket asked, her feet spread apart as if getting ready for a fight, her hands on her hips. Her black thick framed glasses were sliding down her nose making her push them back up impatiently.

Edge tilted his head to the side, his crimson eyes looked at her in confusion, "Do I look like I'm joking?"

Shrugging, Alois threw in helpfully, "Kinda."

"Look Mister..." Rose said, pausing for his name.

The tall dark brown haired male smiled, showing off razor sharp teeth, "Edge. Edge Fell."

Both Sans and Keket looked at the male in suspension, recognizing the last name. Rose continued, looking unfazed, "Mister Fell, there are no animals here, in fact none are allowed here so if you would kindly-"

Edge tilted his head back as he laughed, he looked at Rose in amusement, "My pet isn't an animal, silly girl," Rose glared at him, but Edge ignored her and looked over at Red, "Isn't that right, Pet? Or should I say, Red."

As if they planned it, they all swiveled to look wide eyed at Red. He gulped, feeling nauseous. Why did this always happen? Now he would have to find somewhere else to work and-

"No." Keket said calmly, her eyes blazing as she once again looked at Edge, "No."

Raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow, Edge asked, "No?"

"No." Keket replied, "Humans aren't Pets, we are in the 21th century, we don't have slaves anymore, we had our first black president, women are finally starting to get the recognition we deserve. Red is not your pet, he does not belong to you, he belongs to no one."

"Keket..." Red muttered, but no one seemed to hear him.

"Don't act like you know anything about me, about Red, you know nothing. And news flash kid-"

"I'm twenty-eight!"

"-You can't do anything about it." Edge finished, his eyes hard and cold as they glared at Keket.

Sans cleared his throat, "Dude, there is such thing as Cops."

Edge chuckled, but it held no humor, "Are you trying to threaten me?"

"Depends." Sans shrugged, glancing at Alois who was typing frantically on his phone.

The far taller male, stood up and eyed the group in front of him, before swiftly walking over to Alois. He took the slightly shorter male's phone and crushed it in his gloved hand, "I wouldn't do that if I was you." Edge whispered to a shocked blond.

Keket was fuming and Red thought she would surely explode any minute in a shower of brain and blood, wouldn't that be a sight to see? "You- you, imbecile! Saukarl (*) !-" She continued to curse out Edge in what Red assumed was German.

Red looked over at Sans who seemed amused, "What is she saying?"

"You don't want to know," Sans replied, looking down at Red with a strange light in his eyes that Rrd couldn't place, "Her family is German and she tends to curse in old German when she gets mad."

"Are you done yet?" Edge asked looking almost bored as Keket took a breath.

Keket snarled, seeming almost like a rabid animal for a moment before she composed herself. She dusted off her ripped Captain America shirt and stood up straight, "No, you Sir are a fucking asshole and you deserve to rot in Tartarus (**) , go fuck a fucking fire hydrant you disgusting cactus."

Edge blinked at her, seeming confused, "Did you just call me a cactus?"


"A disgusting cactus." Alois corrected. "And you need to buy me a new phone, what are you Hulk?"

"Hulk is a good guy," Rose said rolling her stormy gray eyes, "So he can't be Hulk." (My phone auto corrected to 'Stormy gay eyes')

Sans snorted, and Red allowed a small smile to spread across his lips.

Guys... I dono what I'm doing xD
So the reason this is so short is I was only given the idea of slight Fellcest (did I spell that right?) And soo I dono if I should put any flirting with some of the dudes or nah...
And the fact that I have no idea how Edge should reply to this chaos cuz my brain is like derpppp
And sorry dudes if the oc's are getting to much screen (or book?) time, dono how everyone feels about that, its just Keket isn't one to kinda stand by when shit goes down, plus as they are my characters they are easier to write xP

Anyways so if you have any more ideas for ships, let me know (plz) they can be between the characters you have seen so far, side characters that will come in later like Asgore, Asriel, Blueberry, Stretch, and Papyrus, or other undertale characters. And as I said last time I mightttt take oc's but only to take place for ships.

Plz comment for ships cuz other then the main ship, I have no idea.
Also if you don't like how much the oc's are in this, tell me and I will try to fix that for later chapters (I know that I don't really like when people make their oc's have a big part in fanfics)

Dang this was a long AN, sowwy pepz.

Anywayyz hope ya dudes liked this, I will start writing again as soon as I can, as this is really my fav fanfic I have (mainly cuz Underfell Sans is fuzin adorkable)

Oh and Saukarl (*) means Pig (masculine form) and Tartarus (**) is pretty much greek hell.

Yeahhh so Peace my dudez.

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