Einmau (Ein x Aphmau) Unexpected [12/?]

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I'm somewhat online! I've finished my first year of highschool, but I still have summer school and other things to do... *puts arm behind his head sweating* but thank you for all your patience! I'm currently trying to organize myself because I have summer school, art, writing, a sport, and probably other things I have to do :P but I've manage to finish this chapter of the book! Again thank you for the reads and support! It means so much. But I'll see you guys later!

--A few minutes earlier--

"The pain and agony in his heart..." Aphmau thought as her eyes begin to tear up. She knew what happened to her before. She would never forget how she got rejected; in a way where she couldn't even tell him she liked him, but her thoughts instantly wrapped around Ein when she saw him. Ein had helped her. He cared for her when no in else was there for her. He was her light in the darkness. She thought of the eyes that glistened of what seemed like hope. As Ein was about to leave, Aphmau hugged him.

--Present time--

"Ein?" Aphmau asked as if she was about to cry holding his waist tightly around her arms.

"Yes Aphmau..?" Ein replied blushing over what just happened.

"Will you... smile... for me?" Aphmau asked. She wanted to cry of the pain she went through at this spot; she remembered Ein helping her through it.

"I promise... I will." Ein said as he felt a sense of relief in the air.

"Ein.... I also care about you. I want to know what happened to you." Aphmau said as she loosened the hug.

"S-she... cares about me?" Ein thought. "I... don't feel like talking about it yet..." Ein said as he shredded tears from his eyes.

"O-okay! I understand..." Aphmau said, "just... tell me when you feel like it, alright?"

"I--right. Thank you aphmau... for everything!" Ein said breaking the hug looking at Aphmau.

Aphmau blushed a bit as she looked at Ein. "No problem! You take your time Ein. I care about you, and I know that whatever it is you're going through, you'll get through it." Aphmau said, "Now I have to go Ein! I'll see you later!"

"Bye!" Ein said as he turned around walking back to his house. Ein was flabbergasted, but happy. "S-she hugged me again... and she told me she cared about me.." Ein thought walking back home. Ein was speechless. How he felt, the thoughts that are going around his head, and the emotions that he's having right now--It felt like it was just one big old dream. One dream that he could have woken up from. But it wasn't.

After he was doing his homework, taking a shower, changing into comfortable clothes, and saying goodnight to his parents, he was going to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Aphmau. The only thing she wanted him to do was be happy and smile. He tried smiling while he was doing his tasks, but it seemed difficult.

Ein sighed in disappointment. "This isn't working..." Ein said being a bit frustrated. Ein wasn't all that happy. He recalled on the past, and how Doty, Daniel, and Ryland attacked him. "I just... want to make her happy." Ein said struggling to smile over the event he had gone through. Ein stopped trying afterwards and had fallen asleep. He was so happy that Aphmau had hugged him. Ein fell asleep after that. Hours had past by since that event happened. He had received a text by someone he never expected. It was Crimson.

EINMAU (Ein x Aphmau) Fanfiction {CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now