Chapter 5: No Escape

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TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!! Implied rape!!! It doesn't go into detail but the implication is there

A/N: Just a quick note: It's unlikely I will be updating this till 2020 at the earliest, if I ever get the chance. So for now, this is the last chapter. Sorry!!

He thought about it before. Running away. He thought about it in several different senses of the words. He could pack a suit case, take some of his father's money, leave, and never look back. He could get his hands on drugs and escape the reality of his life that way. He could make a noose or take a few too many pills and permanently leave this world too. He could leave, but he wouldn't. As long as Kuroko stayed, no one else would have to face his father's wrath when his father was at home. He couldn't do anything about the whores his father took out his frustration on during business trips, but he could stop the same thing from happening when his father was here.

Biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood, Kuroko swallowed another scream as his wounded back slammed into the wall. A fist connected with his chest forcing the air out of his lungs in a gasp before his father stepped back as if to admire a piece of art he had just created.

Perhaps there wasn't enough red?

His father lifted his left leg and slammed it into Kuroko's stomach hard with a laugh. On the floor, Kuroko curled up gripping his stomach wheezing in agony. "P...please....fath..."

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME FATHER!" Takeshi raged and landed another hard blow, his foot connecting with Kuroko's arms that blocked his stomach and forcing them into the already bruised region. God it hurt! But he couldn't cry or scream.


Takeshi grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up. "You worthless piece of trash! I never wanted you! Damn your bitch of a mother!" He spat and tossed Kuroko aside.

Kuroko collided with the couch. Saliva and specks of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and everything in his vision had a twin. That was never a good sign. Shifting to his left side, he placed his hands on to the glass covered floor not caring that the sharp pieces dug into his flesh. He couldn't. His eyes squeezed tightly forcing out several tears as his chest heaved and he coughed. Beads of blood, tears, and saliva spattered on the floor. "I'm *cough* so...rry..."

"Like I give a fuck if the trash is sorry!" Reaching a large hand down, his father grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the floor. "After all I've done for you...." he spit in Kuroko's face, "You're so fucking useless just like that damn bitch!" he tossed Kuroko aside again and turned around to leave.

As Takeshi reached the door a smirk spread across his face as a thought entered his mind. "But she was a good old are you now?"

Kuroko's eyes widened but he forced himself to answer. His voice shook as much as his body as he whispered "13."

"Hmmm..." Takeshi grin reached his smiling eyes and he turned around with the look of a predator. "I wonder..."

No.... Kuroko's body trembled violently. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes faster flowing over as he shook his head. Too tired and shocked, he put up no resistance as his father stepped forward and crouched on the ground. Large fingers undid Kuroko's pants and slid them down. Then the same fingers plucked at the waistband of Kuroko's boxers.

"Plea....*sniff*" Kuroko begged and reached for his father's hands but his father batted him away and continued to grin.

"Time to see if you got more from your mother than your looks." His father chuckled and quickly removed his own belt and undid his pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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