Chapter One

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Two young girls were in the back of a black car watching as trees flew past them as their driver was taking them to their new place. One of the girls who were more on the tomboy/boyish look looked over at the other girl who was more girly with blonde hair and pink eyes.
"Hey Yui, did your father tell you where we were going to be living?" Said the boyish one
"he's our father (Name)" the girl, Yui frowned.
"Well not really, that's not the point here. Did he inform you where we will be staying at?" She asked again.
"No..." Yui replied with a small frown.
"Oi driver, where are we heading?" (Name) tapped the driver's shoulder, the man did not answer.
"Well that's rude" (Name) whispered to Yui.
As the drive was long and quiet, Yui asked (Name) a question that has always been on her mind.
"(Name), why don't you like a father? And do you see me as a sister? I'm sorry I'm asking all of a sudden, but it's important to me" she said with her eyes cast down to her shoes, a sigh erupted from boyish one's lips.
"I have my reasons for not liking your father, but as for you, I see you as a good friend and I respect that you see me as an older sister, but I'm not your sister simple as that" (Name) smiled, a hand on Yui's shoulder.
"I treat you almost like family, so don't worry...but why now?" She asked Yui.
"I just feel like something bad is going to happen" (Name)'s breath hitched in her throat
"I know, but I'll protect you no matter what okay Yui" Yui looked up at (Name), a small smile on her face.
"Thank you (Name)".
Arriving at the place the two looked at it in awe of amazement, the gates were closed as they stared at it waiting for it to open. Yui rang the bell for the keepers to know they had arrived, but the gate still didn't open.
"I don't think they heard the bell" Yui mumbled as (Name) was climbing the gate
"Or we could break in-"
"(Name)! Get down from there! We are not going to trespass on someone's property!" Yui scolded her.
Just as (Name) was halfway up the gates, it opened. Avoiding being crushed, she climbed over it falling feet first, bending her knees and letting gravity take over, and she rolled on the floor
"Jesus Christ!" (Name) called out as she hit the ground.
"Look what you did; now you've gone and hurt yourself!" Yui sighed annoyed.
"I'm fine, okay let's go inside shall we Yui-chan~" (Name) said standing up grabbing her backpack and Yui's red suitcase.
"It's a big house isn't it?" (Name) gave a bright smile to Yui who nodded.
"Oi Yui-Chan, look at the water fountain cool huh?" (Name) gave a toothy smile.
"It looks creepy" Yui commented.
The sky grew dark and gray the air felt cold sending Yui to shiver.
"Let's hurry inside, it's raining," Yui said covering her hair as (Name) took her time to get to shelter, her short hair held water droplets making her hair a darker shade than usual.
Yui knocked on the door twice but there was no answer.
"Looks like I have to kick it down" (Name) said rolling her sleeves up.
"No! (Name), this is why you were always in a lot of trouble in the church. We are not kicking it down" Yui slapped (Name)'s shoulder.
"Fine we'll do it your way" (Name) pouted, Yui calls out when she reached out to open the door.
"Excuse me" the door opened as Yui walked inside, (Name) followed.
"Oh so I'm not allowed to break in, but you can enter someone's home with no permission" (Name) complained in a hushed tone.
"It opened by its self" Yui replied in a hushed tone. They walked into the mansion.
"Hello? Is anybody here?" Yui called out with (Name) behind her, the two girls looked around. The boyish one stayed quiet looking around making sure she had Yui's back.
The door shuts behind them.
"This seems unusual," Yui said nervously but was startled by the door.
"I swear, Yui I didn't close it. It closed by itself" (Name) assured her.
"T-Then who did?" Yui said looking at her.
"Demons~" (Name) chimed as she smirked scaring her friend who glared at her.
"I'm kidding, probably the wind. Look maybe the person living here hadn't been notified yet, that we were arriving today" (Name) said slinging an arm around Yui. The two continued to walk; (Name) took in the look of the place inside.
"Is anybody home?" Yui called.
"Oi Yui, keep doing that you might get us in trouble. We don't know what this person is like" (Name) warned her, a sigh escapes her lips.
Yui went to walk up the stairs; (Name) grabbed her arm.
"Oi... Yui looks at 3 o'clock on the couch" Yui looked to her right seeing a boy on the couch.
Gasping Yui ran over to the boy.
"Oi Blondie locks, get back here!" (Name) hushed, following after her friend.
"Oi Yui he's sleeping" she whispered in her ear making her gasp not hearing her footsteps, glaring she turned back to the boy on the couch.
"Um excuse me-oh, my god, you're cold, are you okay!" Yui gasped as she touched his hand finding it iced cold.
"He's fine, Yui you know when I sleep my hands get really cold-"
"you don't understand, (Name) he feels like ice," Yui said grabbing (Name)'s hand in panic and placed her hand on the boy's hand.
"Oh my, it is like ice" (Name) said pulling her hand away. Yui puts her ear on the boy's chest gasping yet again.
"He doesn't have a pulse! Oh no we need to call an ambulance" Yui said looking at her friend taking her pink flip phone out dialing the numbers. In a blink of an eye, Yui's pink phone was taken from her. The boy sat up holding Yui's pink phone which made (Name) hold in a chuckle as it matched her chair a little.
"You are all so damn noisy" the boy groaned glaring at Yui.
"This isn't even your house so could try keeping it down"
"Y-You're alive?!" Yui sounded scared, as for (Name) who just stood there wanting to know what would happen next.
"Why wouldn't I be alive? Seriously what do you think I am" He said sounding pissed.
"But your heart, it seemed to have stopped. It wasn't beating at all" Yui said standing up but the man grabbed her wrist and pinned her down on the couch a smirk on his lips.
"What are you doing?!" Yui cried out scared.
"Oh I think you know what I'm doing, I'm about to take you of course" he smirked wider licking her neck.
This angered (Name), pulling Yui from under the boy and hugging Yui protectively.
"Back off" she threatened.
"Give pancake back to yours truly and get lost" he glared at (Name) who glared back.
"Ayato what is all this commotion down here," said a voice behind the two girls.
"Damn it its Reiji," said the boy, Ayato.
Reiji was a tall young lad maybe around 183cm (6'0") who looked 18 or so, he wore glasses, black/dark purple hair, and red eyes.
"Need I remind you this is our entrance hall we use this area to exclusively receive our guests, I must ask you to take your activities to your private room."
"Oh whatever you are such buzz-kill" the reddish-brown head, Ayato said a little annoyed.
"Will you help us, please help us?" Yui said running to the taller male, Reiji.
"Oi gets back here Yui" (Name) snapped not liking the atmosphere in the mansion.
"And who might you two be?" He asked.
"I'm Yui Komori our-"
"My father told us we were supposed to be living here" Yui finished after being interrupted by (Name).
"And we don't know why" (Name) said calmly standing next to Yui.
"Why wasn't I told about this, Ayato explain this to me at once," Reiji ordered.
"Oh how the hell would I know about it, it's news to me too" he replied annoyed.
"You never told me that you and your "prince" would be living with us pancake," he said looking over at Yui then glared at (Name) who didn't seem fazed at all, for being mistaken as a guy.
"That's because you attacked her out of nowhere, she didn't have a chance to tell you anything" (Name) told him as he looked away with a Tsk.
"Hold up you said pancake? Were you talking about me?" Yui said a little offended.
"Of course I was, stupid. Seriously if you haven't noticed, you are as flat as a pancake, its god" (Name) rolled her sleeves up again but Yui held her back.
"This is rather strange, I don't understand why I wasn't informed of your arrival," Reiji said in a small mumble to himself.
"Excuse me but who are you?" Yui asked the tall man, Reiji.
"I don't think it's a good idea to talk about this here, come this way." the man said.
(Name) looked over at Yui and grabbed her wrist so they wouldn't get separated as much as (Name) disliked close contact with other people, but this taken under life or death situation.
"See to both of their luggage." and just like that some old man had taken not only (Name)'s backpack but also Yui's suitcase. Yui lets out a gasp and held onto (Name) for dear life. Ayato squints at the boyish-looking one, the two hurried off following the tall male.
Sitting in a room that could only be a living room or other, the sound of the rain was growing louder and violent. Everyone was silent until Reiji broke it.
"Now for the sake of formalities let's begin, tell us about yourselves and on how you entered this house," something told (Name) that this man was strict, and that he doesn't like wasting time.
"Oh well we-"
"Fufufufu well what do we have here~, could it be a cute little human girl- oh! And a boy has come and decided to give us all a little visit" someone said from above them.
(Name) spots a boy around the same age at the reddish-brown hair kid, Ayato. The person also had a reddish-brown but leaned more towards orange, but on top of his head was a Fedora hat.

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