The Fear, The Fate

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Chapter 5

((After the meet and greet))

[Demi POV]

I am so glad this meet and greet is over because I get to talk to Alex. She's so adorable. I really want to get to know her better. I'm really worried about what she'll think of me, I mean I pulled her aside and only her. I wonder if she'll think I'm hitting on her? Well she is attractive but I can't show my attraction to her. What if she's not into girls? Wait, she is wearing a rainbow friendship bracelet so that could be a sign. Oh who am I kidding. I might as well not get my hopes high.

"Hey, let's go to my dressing room and chill before soundcheck."

"But what about my friends?"

"It's okay they can chill for an hour. They're having fun either way."

"Oh, okay then lets go."

I took her hand and lead her to my dressing room.
I opened the door and told her to take a seat on the oversized couch that was too damn big for this small room. She sat down and I asked if she wanted anything to drink.

"Yeah, can I have some water if you have any please?"

I smiled and gabbed a water bottle for myself and her.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

I sat down next to her on the couch as I sat on me feet to make her feel a bit more comfortable around me.

"So, tell me what brought you here today?"

"Well I wanted to come see you on tour again. I remember back in 2011 I couldn't get VIP passes because I barely had the money to get a ticket but me and my friends wanted to come see you today. It was a group thing but mostly my idea."

"Oh cool, I remember that tour. It was really fucking long but it was a really good one but you mentioned something about the issues I helped you through. What are they but you don't need to tell me if you don't feel comfortable."

She shifted in her seat when I said that. I hope I didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Why did I even bring it up?

"Well this might be a bit hard but I know you won't judge me. So I've struggled with self harm for 4 years and I still continue to struggle with it to this day but its under control for now. I also struggled with an eating disorder for a year but that was back when I was 14. Then when my mom passed away you helped my through that a lot. These past 4 years have been really hard but you've helped me through all of them."

She looked relieved when she got all of that out. I'm really glad I've helped her through that.

"I'm sorry about your mom but I'm really glad I did that for you. I'm honored."

I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She smiled when I did that. She's so damn cute but I can't tell her the truth, I don't even know her. I don't even know if she's an advocate for the LGBT community.

"Its alright, it's been 3 years since it happened but I'm okay now. So... I've heard things about you."

She said in a playful tone. What is she trying to say?

"Oh, what have you heard?"

I swallowed hard trying to shift through things she should have heard.

"I heard you and Wilmer were together. Is it true?"

She said in a quieter tone. Its like she was scared of what I would say.

"No its not true... It was true a while ago but he's trying to get back together with me because I broke up with him a couple of weeks ago for certain reasons and I'm really glad I broke up with him because all he wanted was sex and I wasn't ready. By ready I mean attracted."

"At least you knew what to do. I'd hate it if that happened to me. Well it won't because I'm... Not... Straight."

She said as her voice trialled off. Fucking score! But how am I going to tell her I'm attracted to girls? Oh boy, the struggle is real.

"By not straight do you mean bisexual or a lesbian?"

"By not straight I mean I'm a lesbian. Is this weird? Should I leave?"

"No, no you're fine. I have something to say too and I'm trusting you 100%."

"Okay shoot"

God I'm so nervous...

My Love Is Like a Star ((Demi Lovato lesbian fan fiction))Where stories live. Discover now