Earth's Last Stand

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Out in space, the Ulixes came out of hyper drive and returned to their home galaxy, "Oh, look at it. The Milky Way in all of her ineffable glory." Donnie marveled.

"The glories of our whole system." Twilight looked in wonder.

Mikey started cheering, "Yes! We're heading back to Earth! Master Splinter, New York City, pizza, Ice Cream Kitty! Whoo-hoo-hoo!"

"I hear ya, Mikey," Applejack agreed, "I can't wait to see Granny, Big Mac, and Applebloom."

"Same for my dad." April added.

"And my sisters!" Pinkie cheered.

"And Sweetie Belle too." Rarity smiled.

Leo hating to be the party pooper had to speak up, "Guys, this isn't a celebration. We've got one last shot to stop the Triceratons, or we're not gonna have a home to go back to."

Everyone remembering the importance of their mission ceased their celebrating, as Fugitoid spoke, "Leonardo is correct. This is our final chance to capture the Black Hole Generator. We cannot travel back in time again."

"If we don't succeed, your planet will be doomed." Traximus put in.

"And if the portal goes with the planet, Spike and I can't get back to Equestria." Princess Twilight noted.

"Which means I'll be stuck as a dog for life!" Spike whined, before regaining his composure, "But then again I could get used to it."

Raph spoke up, "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them, even if it means sacrificing our lives," Chompy chortled, "Ah, don't worry, little guy. I'm not going anywhere."

"And neither am I." Rainbow pat Chompy's head.

"We're gonna go mad crazy on these alien freaks, right?" Casey asked while feeling pumped.

"For the earth!" Sunset Shimmer declared.

"The Earth!" everyone on board cheered.

Later as everyone was waiting around for their return to earth, Rainbow Dash spoke up, "So how're we gonna destroy the black hole generator if it's invulnerable to everything?"

"There is a way," Fugitoid answered, "But the entire Heart of Darkness must be destroyed. Not a single piece must remain."

April while holding onto the aeon crystal started feeling strange vibes from Fugitoid, "What's wrong, Professor? I can sense you want to tell us something." Everyone looked over at then Professor wondering what he was going to say.

Traximus, Twilight, and Sunset knowing what this mean kept silent as Fugitoid sighed, "My friends, I must confess something to you, something I couldn't reveal until you got to know me better as a humanoid err android."

"What're you talking about Fugi-dude?" Casey asked in confusion.

"Professor?" Fluttershy asked.

"You see, it was not the Kraang who invented the Black Hole Generator. It was I who created it." he confessed.

This shocking revelation left the group speechless, "WHAT?!" they cried.

"No way!" Leo gasped.

"It can't be!" Rarity covered her mouth in shock.

"It doesn't make an sense!" Pinkie cried.

So Fugitoid explained to them exactly what he told Twilight, Sunset, and Traximus about Subprime buying the machine off him and how he realized the mistake he made, "I mean, seriously, come on. They're the Kraang!" Fugitoid finished.

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