That's what I like

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"Yah Mina-ya, why do I have a strange feeling.. umm why is one of them keep on looking at me?"

"Who?" asked Mina

"That person who wears yellow sweater" Sana responded

"Haha unnie, just eat.. do you want me to pour a drink for you?" asked Mina. Then Sana nodded.

The three japanese girls continued their eating while talking. Especially Momo, the big eater. Then, while they were busy talking and eating, Momo's phone kept on ringing.. KakaoTalk's notifications

"Yahh who keeps on texting you, Momo-ya?" asked Sana

"Mianhae unnie..this kid can't leave without me" said Momo with her blank face yet still chewing her food. She was referring to her Jungyeonnie. Mina was laughing after hearing Momo's answer.

"Who?" Sana's brows raised up

"Her Jungyeonnie" Mina responded

Momo then read the texts. As expected all the texts were from Jungyeon. She kept on texting Momo saying that she misses her Momoring so much, when is she going home, what is she eating and stuff.

"Unnie, can my Jungyeonnie come? she kept on texting me" said Momo while making face

"Yah are you kidding me? don't you see I'm single now?" said Sana jokingly


(At the guesthouse)

Mina came late after the dinner with her cousins, Sana and Momo. Luckily, she wasn't drunk at that time. When she came home, Chaeng was sleeping already. Mina pulled up Chaeng's blanket and kisses Chaeng's forehead. 'She must be tired' Mina talked to herself. Seeing her sleeping soundly, she decided to prank her..

(The next morning, at the guesthouse)

Mina woke up early that morning so she decided to take shower. After she was done, she went out of the room, wanted to go to the kitchen to see what Ahjumma has prepared for breakfast. As she went to the kitchen, there she saw a girl was holding a toothbrush and brushing her teeth.

"Morning unnie!"

"Oh morning.. I thought you girls left already"

That girl was still brushing her teeth. She then asked Mina something..

"The girl you were she working already?"

"Sana or Momo?" asked Mina


"Yes why?" Mina smiled

"Umm if you don't mind, can I ask her phone number?"

"Well.. I shouldn't give you her phone number easily..." said Mina

"I know.."

Mina just smiled. "I'll go to my room first..." said Mina, leaving that girl brushing her teeth

As Mina was about to leave the kitchen, the girl said "Unnie..I think I like her!" which made Mina stopped. Mina turned. She was surprised.

My heart beats for you (Michaeng) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now