Chapter 1: Meeting Melissa

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I woke up to my dad shaking me softly. "Hey honey, wake up. We're here." He mumbles and I groggily fall out the car.

"What time is it?" I mumble, rubbing my eyelids. "It's around 11:30 sweetie. Go to bed." He mumbles and I nod, tired from the journey.

"Dammit Scott's not home, he promised he'll be home to see you." He huffs and I smile. "It's fine dad really. I'll see him at breakfast tomorrow." He nods and scribbles a note down for Scott.

"Yes, we will have a family breakfast before I have to go to work. I'll see you at eight." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Your room is the second one to the right, next to Scott's." He points to a plain door next to one scattered with stickers. "Night darling!" He calls and I nod smiling.

"Night." I mumble as I walk into my room. It was plain white, I assume so I could paint it, with a king sized bed with black and white sheets and a beautiful dressing table for makeup.

To the left there's a large modern en suite with a bath/shower, toilet etc. I smiled and flopped onto bed, falling straight to sleep.


I awoke around three am to the sound of banging and grunting. Confused, I groggily walk out to see a brown haired male around my age flat on his face outside my door. "You must be Scott right?" I ask awkwardly and he gets up nodding. "Lila?" He asks and I nod.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" He asks and I shake my head. "No." I lie and he nods unconvinced. "Sorry any way." He mumbles walking to his room. "See you tommorow." He smiles and I nod.

"Night" I mumble before going to bed and falling fast asleep.


I woke up the next morning to a gentle tap on the door and my dad's voice. "Lila darling get up! Be down for breakfast in ten minutes." He calls and I grunt a yes before rolling out of bed.

My red hair was a mess.

I have a quick five minute shower and brush my teeth and hair. I throw on a pair of jeans from the wardrobe by my door, full of stuff my dad had bought me, with a blank spaghetti top and Hollister jumper.

As I leave my room I am greeted by a groggy looking Scott. "Hey." I groggily mumble at him, earning a grunt back.

I walk down and sit at the breakfast bar, an array of fruit, pancakes, bacon, syrup and eggs laid on the table. "You must be Melissa. It's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you." I smile, shaking hands with the woman next to my dad.

"Good things I hope." She laughs and I nod. "Only good things." I smile. I sit down next to a girl around my age shovelling down some fruit and pancakes. "I'm Kira and you are?" She asks, swallowing her mouthful. "I'm Lila." I smile nervously.

"I'm the sheriff. Stiles's dad. You'll meet him soon. If he comes back." He mumbles, looking at the ground. "He'll come back." Dad smiles, the sheriff smiling at him.

"Are you two going to show her around? Introduce her to your friends? I know it's bad timing but it'll be nice to do." Melissa asks, changing the subject. "Yeah, at the clinic. we are also wondering if you wanted to be a veterinary assistant with me. Deaton could do with your help."

I nod, grinning and grab a pancake and spoonful of throat. "Great! Back by 9?" Melissa asks and we nod.

I grab a pancake and pile it with bacon and syrup. I start munching away happy, talking to my new family about various things.

"So Lila do you do any sport?" Stiles's dad asks and I nod. "Yeah I'm pretty into horse riding actually. I had a horde here when I was younger. I don't know if dad still kept him though." I smile and Kira nods enthusiastically. "Yeah! Me and Scott go and look after it before school. Mystery is so cute!" Kira gushes, making me smile.

"Ok mum we better go." Scott says, grabbing Kira and I by the hand and dragging us out.

"Okay hunny stay safe!" Melissa calls.

Stay safe? What could she mean by stay safe?


Scott swung Melissa's BMW into a veterinarian parking lot, the car rattling. "Is this where we are meeting your friends?" I ask and Scott nods.

"Yeah, it's kinda our meet up point." He smiles, opening my car door for me. "Thanks." I smile and get out. Scott pulls out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door.

A poster was on the door with the scribbled letters 'Sorry we are closed for renovations. Your nearest Vetinarian is Beacon Peak.' Scott pulls out a group of keys and unlocks the door.

"I've just got to tend to the animals, I won't be long." Scott smiles, leaving me with Stiles.

"So Kira. What do you do for fun around here?" I ask. My eyes glinting with mischief. "Umm... Not much we sometimes sneak into clubs and stuff." She mumbles and i laugh.

"Cool. Maybe we can do it next week!" I laugh and she nods. "Yeah! We can try and sneak into the downtown club. I love that one." He laughs and I nod, grinning.

At that moment, a group of people including Scott barge into the office. "Hi." I smile, giving a small wave. "Hey, I'm Lydia." A strawberry blonde girl smiles. "Hey i'm-"

A large oak stump stands in the middle of a clump of trees. A harsh whisper was floating through the air.

Unable to make any words out of it, I stumbled over to the oak. The harsh whisper was becoming clearer and clearer.


It was repeating the word, it wringing through my ears. It was like a siren. It was awakening something in me.

Awakening a dormant power.

I snapped out if my trance, a bewildered Lydia was standing there. "Your eyes... They went Orange, like-." Her sentence was cut short by a girl screaming.

It came from the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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