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(Toast's pov)

When we got there Sally and Ms. Cierra were in full waffle demon mode. I grabbed the emergency waffles and loaded them into three waffle guns. I handed two to Sir and Jordan and kept one for myself. We all climbed from the van and ran to engage in battle.

I got in a few good shots, I mostly was aiming to distract and calm them down. However, Sir and Jordan were clearly trying for kill shots. I remembered what Jordan had said about limited deaths. If Ms. Cierra died then they may not succeed in their quest.

I got his attention and he turned to look at me. I had been planning on just talking some sense into him but while he was distracted Sally hit him and knocked him into a nearby wall. He disappeared. Dead. In return, Sir shot at Cierra and she disappeared as well. Also dead.

Now it was just me, Sir, and Sally. Luckily, she had eaten several of the waffles at this point and had mostly calmed down. I gave her a few more and sent her in the direction of the Accachallas before heading back to the van with Sir. Jordan was waiting for us.
"How'd it go?"
He seemed to be in a better mood now, but something was odd. When he had arrived I could have sworn that he had incredibly fluffy hair, but now it looked almost exactly like Sir's.

I simply smiled.
"It went fine. Let's go home."
So I can figure out what's happening, I added in my head.

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