The Escape

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This is a one shot from the stories Puppet Boy and The Man the credit of the charters does not go to me they go to z0mbies. Thank you! Enjoy!
"Tyler I'm scared, I can't take this any more; the pain the torture he-he touches me when your asleep." Emily lets out a low cry as Tyler wraps his arm around her.

"Not anymore he doesn't. I love you I've always loved you and this is the end of our pain and suffering even if it kills me." He kisses the top of Emily's head as her little body shakes as she cries.

"He's coming I hear foot steps. Pretend to be asleep." Tyler whispers as he slides away from Emily.

"Wake up my beautiful puppets its time for a bath the shows going to start soon." He walks to the tub to turn on the water grabbing both Emily and Tyler by the arm dragging them along.

He tosses Tyler in first, grabbing Emily as he gently cersses her face just before throwing her on top of Tyler.

"Won't you look at that my puppets are so in love they can't stay apart." He smiles down at his puppets as they lay the water together. "I'll be right back, don't go doing anything while I'm gone you'll need your energy."

He leaves them in the tub to go check on the audience in the theater. "Thank you all for coming this fine evening. I do hope you found the theater alright. The show will begin in a moment."

He walks back but stops to go to his office.

Tyler looks to the side to see the man left the door open. He never leaves the door open.

He helps Emily out of the tub as he climbs up to her side. "If we're going to leave now Em. It has to be now or never do you trust me? Do you trust me?".

Emily kisses Tyler as she nods "Its been three years since I've seen my little brother and since you've seen your family and....girlfriend let's go." Tyler sees the pain in her eyes as she said those words. He kisses her back before taking off.

They make a hastey right turn quietly making every move they can to get out. "Do you know where were going?" Emily whispers to Tyler.

"Yes, I've followed the man when he thought we were sleeping." Impressed Emily hugs him before they continue there escape.

"Oh my puppets would look lovely in these outfits." The man heads to the room where he left "His puppets." "THERE GONE IM GOING KILL THEM NO ONE LEAVES BEFORE THE SHOW."

Tyler panics a little Emily lets out a low whiper fear taking over. They take a quick left to see a door with light seeping though.

"That-That's it come on my love let's go home." They run to the door to find it locked. "FUCK!" Tyler quietly yells.

"It's okay I know how to pick locks I wasn't really a good girl." Emily picks the lock opening the door to see a bright sunny day.

They make a run for to it not to long before they see the man running after them. "COME BACK HERE! THE SHOW! THE SHOW! YOU HAVE A DUTY TO UPHOLD!"

Tyler picks up speed pulling Emily along side him running into a forest not to far from the building they were in. "I know this place, follow me." Emily runing ahead pulling Tyler behind her as they hear the man yelling "THE SHOW!"

Emily comes to a stop, puzzled Tyler looks up to see a tree house. "Climb up hurry!"

The two start climbing reaching the top in record time they quickly pull the ladder up.

"My brother and I used to come up here all the time we hid a phone here for emergencys come on." They broke every way possible for the man to catch them.


"This is Emily, I was abducted three years ago. I'm up in a tree at Grannet state park on the far east side. I'm with Tyler, he was also abducted three years ago. Please hurry our abductor knows we left he's very dangerous,  we may not have much time left."

The opperater asks Emily a few questions before telling her to stay on the line. With in a hour they hear people yelling there names. "No no no no, this wasn't supposed to happen."

Emily looks out the window to see the man running away. Possibly into the direction of the law. Tyler lets down the latter making his way down. As Emily reaches the bottom they hear a voice yelling "over here."

A paramedic runs over to them. "Are you two okay?" They remain quiet for a moment as the paramedic hands them a water bottle,before checking there vitles.

A police officer walks up to the two as the paramedic helps them up. "Did you two happen to see where your abductor went, and if possible what he looked like." They describe in full detail what he looked like and where he went and where he may be.


5 years later.

"Tyler Im home." Emily yells out as she locks the front door. She heads to the kitchen to see if the boys were in there. No one was home it was strange for a Friday afternoon.

"Em. Tommy and I went out to eat. Will be home by 7, we couldn't wait any longer love you."

She lets out a slow sign of relief as she instantly regrets it. She turns to see a window thats never opened, open. Quickly she grabs her hand gun and pepper spray seeing as anything could happen.

A note was left by the window hesitant she picks it up. "Im still here puppet girl." She quickly drops the note racing to her purse to grab her phone. Quickly calling Tyler.

"You've reached Tyler you know what to do."


She hangs up thinking of who she can call considering she just took up Tommys phone. Altho Tyler always gives it back. She quickly calls Tommy.


"Thank God, let me speak to Ty."

"It's for you man."


"Next time fucking pick up."

"Im sorry I will what's wrong?"

"He found us."

"I'm on my way."

With that the conversation ended. Emily paces back and forth waiting for them to get back. There was a knock at the door. She cocks back her gun holding it high as she looks to see who it is. "Police open up!"

Emily quickly puts away the gun before opening the door. "How may I help you this afternoon Officer Marks?" She steps aside to let him in.

"I don't want to alarm you but we got a anyonomus call. He's out Emily we don't know how but some how he escaped. Will stop at nothing till we find him again. Are you alone? Where's Tyler?"

She opens her mouth but the front door is shoved open. I'm unison they take out there firearm. "WHOA DON'T SHOOT IT'S US TYLER AND TOMMY." Fustrated they put there firearm down.

"Don't look at me like that I got this the day of my 21st birthday. I wanted to be safer." Both men shrug and look away.

"I came to tell you both that he's out and knows where you are its time to move again." Quickly they packing leaving everything behind.
1 year later

"Emily, Tyler we found him. He's dead. Your free." Emily takes a deep breath as Tyler rub's her Swollen belly.

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