Personality: Chooses not to show insanity; hard to figure out; sometimes falls asleep at random moments; knows how to control himself... usually; smart but doesn't act like it; blatantly honest; has high patience
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Likes: Loves cats; loves sweets; likes to play people but only if they played him; scary movies; anything that are haunted or cursed (he finds them interesting)
Dislikes: Attention whores; memories of past; losing control and the insane side of him coming out; thinking about something bad happening to a cat; dogs; obnoxious people
[When Insane]
Personality: Hard to figure out; always wide awake; sees things that haunt him (ex/ Ghost etc); tries to control his insanity; blatantly honest; has very low patience
Likes: Loves cats (don't hurt any while he's around because he'll try to kill you); loves sweets (don't interrupt him while he's eating sweets peacefully because he'll try to kill you); scary/gory movies (anything to do with people being slaughtered); anything scary/gory
Dislikes: Attention whores; dogs; obnoxious people