Ark Elementary School

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Abby's POV

It was a cold Friday morning at Ark Elementary School. I have been the school nurse there for 16 years, and I had gained the trust of all the staff members.

The weather wasn't the only thing that went cold. I kicked my husband out of the house last week because he's been sleeping with another woman. I don't have any regrets, though. Now I can be flirtatious, daring, and young again. Of course, I should focus on my job, too.

I flipped the sign at my office window so it said, "The Doctor is In."

A few minutes later, Mr. Shumway, the P.E. teacher walked in. I could smell a fresh spray of Axe. Great.

"Good morning, Ms. Griffin," he said. I never really liked Mr. Shumway. He overworks the students and I have to deal with the injuries as a result. 

I played nice. "Hey Mr. Shumway. What brings you in here?" I wondered how he knew I was single again. He called me Ms. Griffin.

"I was wondering if I could borrow the wheelchair you guys have in here." 

"Someone got hurt already?" I asked. "The bell hasn't even rung yet."

I walked to the back room and grabbed the wheelchair. 

"I just want to be careful. The kids are playing flag football in PE today." He laughed. "But who needs flags when you can pull someone to the ground?"

I flashed a nervous smile. "Do you need a referee?" I asked. They would need someone to monitor the violence.

"Marcus said he's volunteer," Mr. Shumway said as he walked out. I breathed a sigh of relief. Marcus is responsible, he would make sure no one got hurt.

I read my book and talked to some teachers over the next few hours. At 11:00, I got a radio from the yard supervisor.

"Abby, we've got a wheelchair coming up your way." Mrs. Simone says.

"Football?" I asked.

"Yes, but, I think it's..." Mrs. Simone paused. "Kane?"

I almost fell out of my chair. 

A minute later, Mr. Shioka, the principle wheels in Kane. He's grimacing and holding his left knee.

"Marcus, what happened?" I asked. "You didn't start playing, did you?" 

Just then, Mr. Shumway comes in. "I heard what happened and came running up," he voices. It sounds like a lie.

"What are you talking about?" Kane points at Mr.  Shumway. "'You' are what happened!"

Mr. Shumway puts his hands up in defense. "Me?"

"What'd you do, Scott?" I ask.

"Marcus may have tripped and hurt is knee when he stepped in a hole." Mr. Shumway started. "That was left over from when I did soil testing last week."

"Soil testing? Why?" I asked. 

"I was testing the mineral content so I could tell the district it was unsafe. Then we could get turf installed." Mr. Shumway sighed and looked up into the distance. I was disgusted.

"Just leave," I closed my eyes and let out a big breath. "Marcus are you alright?" 

I took care of Kane and he went home. I had to substitute for his class while he was gone. The one thing I learned while sitting at his desk for two hours was that he is lonely. Maybe we were meant for each other.

Lame ending, I know, but I am just preoccupied by the thought of my next story. It's going to be good!

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