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I struggled to try and get my arm out of his grip, instantly wishing I was as far away from this man as I could get. He breathed heavily against my ear, the stink coming out making a beeline for my nose, causing me to cringe from the stench of alcohol.

The following words that left his mouth caused me to freeze to the spot. What did he mean by that? My heart sped up so much that not only was I worried about what the man meant, I was worried I would end up having a heart problem.

My voice cracked as I whispered the question I desperately needed to know, 'Who are you?' I turned my head to the side so I could see him, trying to guess who it was before he told me. Instead of looking at his facial features though, I took particular interest in his tattoos. Lots and lots of tattoos; his body from the neck down a canvas of meaningless art. Half naked women, tribal rings, various girls names, but one thing that did stick out was a small tattoo of a snake swirling around a gun on his neck by his collarbone.

I had seen that tattoo before.

Kyle has the exact same tattoo, but on the back of his neck. I remember Kyle telling me that it was a gang symbol of the gang he used to be in, although now it's obvious he's back in...or he never left in the first place. So this man is blatantly stalking me on Kyle's behalf, but that does not answer as to why he felt so familiar.

'I am your worst nightmare,' the mysterious man told me before releasing his grip on me and walking out of the restaurant, only stopping as he opened the door, which he then used that pause to look over at me and wink. I felt bare, as if every part of me was vulnerable to this man. I don't even know what he's capable of, yet he already has me seriously paranoid.

A hand waved in front of my face as Brad asked, 'Hello? Anyone in there?' ,before laughing at his own stupidity. I blinked, and shook my head, wishing to shake out every thought to do with this unnamed man and Kyle. Brad, noticing that I was still in discomfort, gently took my hand and comfortingly circled his thumb on my knuckles. 'Lets go home,' Brad told me, his voice soft as he led me out of the restaurant, gently placing a kiss on my temple as we made our way to his car.

The car ride had been silent, me looking out of my window at the scenery and the people who lived here, oblivious to the dangers that cross them. The radio volume was turned on 3, as a piece of background noise whilst we sorted through our own thoughts, the 'Mystery Man' not leaving my mind.

'Thank you for tonight. I'm sorry for being a little distant, but I really did have a nice time.' I told Brad, breaking the silence.

Brad's face was suddenly overcome with sadness, 'I hate seeing you like that,' he told me, his voice slow and soft like beautiful music to my ears. 'I hate it when you look scared and I don't know why you look like that because then I can't protect you. I hate that I can't stay by your side every second of every day, to just make sure you're safe from any possible danger. I love you so much that it killed me inside when I saw you look like that.' I noticed how his hands had gripped the steering wheel tighter as his knuckled turned white, and his lips set in a straight line showing just how true his words were.

I placed my hand on his thigh, trying to comfort him and to let him know that I am safe as well as a way of telling him that I am sorry for worrying him. I love him so much and I hate that by the Mysterious Man getting to me, he is also getting to Brad and he doesn't deserve to be dragged into this.

The rest of the car ride was complete silence with me gently caressing his thigh and Brad sending glances over me every couple of minutes. When we arrived at my house, James and Sarah now gone to Sarah's house and Mr and Mrs McVey out at a friend's house a few hours away, we had the house to ourselves until the morning.

As soon as I opened the door, I walked up to my bedroom whilst Brad told me that he was going to get a drink and then he'd be up with me. I took off my heels and dress, making a messy pile on the floor because I had absolutely hardly any energy in me, apart to brush my teeth. I pulled Brad's shirt over my head and instantly felt safer and warmer, before getting into bed, laying on the right side because Brad had claimed the left for himself the first time we shared my bed.

I closed my eyes and circled my fingers on my temples, willing my headache to go away. I kept my eyes closed as I heard the bedroom door open, meaning that Brad had entered. I listened to Brad getting ready for bed, instantly envisioning the way his curls messes up from taking his shirt off or the way he wiggles out of his skinny jeans because they are a little bit too skinny.

The bed dipped next to me and an arm wrapped around my waist, turning me around next to his body so that we were spooning. I finally opened my eyes to close them again from Brad trailing gentle kisses down my neck whilst his left hand sneaked their way up his shirt that I was wearing. 'Tell me what happened,' Brad demanded through his kisses. I then turned in his arms to face him, causing his kisses to stop, but he still kept his arm wrapped around my waist, and that small piece of contact was enough to keep me sane. I told him everything I knew about the man from seeing him at McDonald's, to the tattoo on his collarbone.

We spent the last few moments of consciousness wrapping each other in promises and love, and I couldn't wish to spend it in any other way.



Question for the chapter; what do you think Kyle wants the mysterious man to do to Isabella?

TEASER- okay, so there is still something we don't know about the mysterious man, what do you think it is?;)

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