Chapter 18

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"What if- What if your mom doesn't like me,"I frowned laying my head against the head rest of the passenger seat of Nathan's car.  Today is the Saturday before my trip home and Nathan invited me to meet his family in Gloucester. I could feel my stomach knotting with nerves as we came closer and closer to his home town.

"Miri, love, relax,"Nathan smiled warmly at me,"My mom will love you.  Don't be nervous!" He stated before turning back to the frosty road. 

I sighed,"I really hope so,"I turned my head looking out the window.  I watched as snowflakes gracefully landed on the surface of the windows.  Each and every one of them was different in shape, but nonetheless beautiful.  I smiled, it was the one thing I wanted to see and here it was, surrounding us in what seemed like white sheets covering the fields and road.  I felt a hand slightly squeeze my leg ever so slightly, Nathan.  I turned my head to look at him.

"Have you ever seen snow before?"He asked me, sounding amused, as if he had seen my  interest in it.

"No. . ."I admitted,"Well yes, on T.V. and in books but not like this. Its to hot in Santa Cruz, its never snowed."

"I know one thing were going to do then,"He laughed to himself, green eyes ahead.  In the near distance was the silhouette of houses and big historical cathedrals.  Nathan's hometown.  In a sign ahead read, ''Welcome to Gloucester, Gloucestershire," In big friendly letters. 

"Hmm, I wonder what that would be,"I laughed, catching a sly smile from Nathan, he laughed with me,"So how far are we from your house?" I asked feeling a tingle in my stomach again.

''Not far,"Nathan smiled over at me,"Why are you so nervous, its just my family."


"Well you have less then a minute to panic,"Nathan said, giving my leg a quick squeeze. 

I took a breath, looking out the window.  The houses were all in a tight row side by side.  The small front lawns all covered in soft white sheets of snow, not showing an ounce of green.  I liked it, it felt like home. 

Kind of.

Nathan pulled into a cute two story house, unlike the rest, it wasn't as close to other houses and a park stood near by, it seemed.  A women with short blonde hair and a young girl came out of the house, big smiles ran across their faces.  

"Nathan!"They all ran to the drivers side and gave Nathan hugs and kisses.  I smiled at them patiently, as I made my way towards them.

Nathan smiled at me as he pulled away from them, He took my hand,"Mum, Jess.  This is my lovely girlfriend, Miri."

Nathan's mom smiled as she shook my hand,"Hello, I'm Karen. Its nice to meet you Miri. Nathan has talked so much about you, I was happy to hear he was bringing you with."

I smiled,"Its nice to meet you too Mrs. Sykes, thank you for allowing me to come here."

She laughed,"Awe Nathan, you didn't mention she was so polite!  Its my pleasure darling."

"I didn't mention a lot of things,"Nathan winked at me but smiled.  I smiled at him.

"Hi I'm Jessica, you can call me Jess, if you want,"Nathan little sister gave me a hug.

"Thank you Jess,"I smiled as I hugged her back.

"Well lets go inside, shall we?"Karen smiled leading us into they're warm house. 

It was very nice inside, the house was well light with soft light.  It was comfy and home like.  I liked it. Walking straight ahead down a narrow hallway was the living room.  Going left was a big kitchen and a small dining room was set up there.  One the right was a narrow set of stairs that led into the second floor of the hallway.

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