Chapter 1

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  I was sitting on my bed reading when I heard a knock on my door. "What?" I asked. "Can I come?" my mom asked. "I guess." she came in and sat on the end of my bed. "How are you doing sweetie?" "Fine I guess." I noticed her fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt. "Mom are you okay?" I asked looking worried. "Yes I'm fine." she smiled but I could tell it was forced. "But I do have to tell you something." "What?" "Your going to a school in Sleepy Hollow,New York." "What?!Why?" "Cause they will help you learn how to control and use your powers." "Why can't you teach me,you said you were a witch." "I was but I haven't used my powers in so long I don't even know if I could do the simplest of spells." "So were moving?" "No." I looked at her weird trying to figure out why she said that. "The school houses all there students." "So I'm going to Sleepy Hollow by my self?" she shook her head yes. "It's just witches right?" I asked.I remember her telling me that almost all the supernatural/folk tales are actually real when my powers came in,which was only six months ago. "No." she said. "So I'm gonna be going and staying at a school that has things that could eat me." "I'm not gonna lie they could but no one there is suppose to eat and or drink from living things." I just stood there dumbfounded. "Honey it will be okay." "No it won't.I've only been a witch for six months and have been confined to the house for the three of those six months." "That is another reason why we're sending you there." my dad said standing in my door way. "At least there you'll meet others like you and not have to worry about them thinking of you as a freak or being terrified of you." he said walking to my bed.In a way that made me feel better cause when my friends seen what I could do the were petrified of me.My mom had to call one of her friends who still does magic to erase there memories of what they seen. "When am I going?" I asked. "In a week." "A week?!" "Yes." they both said. "Fine." I knew there was no point in arguing and I did kinda want to me other's like me.My dad kissed the top of my head and then left. "Everything will be okay." My mom said hugging me and then left.I was left alone in my room again.

  "Do you have everything?" my mom asked walking into my room. "I think so." I said zipping up one of my suitcases.Even though it doesn't feel like it it's been a week since my parents said I was going to Sleepy Hollow. "If me and your dad could we would move there with you but..." I cut her off. "But even if you guys moved I still wouldn't be able to see you,so you guys coming wouldn't do or really mean anything.I know and I don't want you guys giving up everything we have here." I said giving her a smile saying I was and would be okay.She hugged me and helped me finish packing.After we finished packing we went and ate and then I went to bed.I laid in bed and thought about how school was gonna be till I slowly fell asleep.The next day we went to the airport.My mom and dad stayed with me until I had to get on.We didn't really talk,probably cause we knew if we talked we whined up crying.My flight was called and they walked me to the gate.We hugged,they each gave me a kiss on the cheek and then we said goodbye.I could see saying goodbye hurt them as much as it hurt me.I got on the plane and found my seat.Once we took off and I was able to unbuckle,I took out my iPod and started listening to music.I felt someone taping my shoulder.I opened my eyes to see it was a flight attendant,I pulled my headphones off. "We're about to land Miss,so please buckle up." she said smiling. "Sure." I said doing as she asked.Once we landed I got off,got my luge and went to wait for the bus.My mom told said a bus was to take me to a old barn and at the barn there should be people waiting,one of the people there would take all of us to the school.As I was almost to the bus stop was I noticed a cute boy was sitting there.As I got closer he looked up and smiled at me. "Hi." he said as I sat down next to him. "Hi.I'm Ashley." I said smiling but wondered why I told him my name. "I'm Liam." he said,we then sat there in silence.......kinda.About ten minutes later the bus pulled up.We both got on and sat next to each other."So where are from?" I asked Liam shortly after the bus started moving. "Wolverhampton,England,you?" "Illinois,U.S..If you don't mind me asking,if you are from England why are you in New York?" "I don't mind and it's cause I'm having to go to a school here." "What school?" "Hollow High." "Really that's why I'm here." "Cool at least I'll have a friend there then." "Same here." I said smiling.I wanted to ask him what he was but people might over hear us so I decided to wait.The rest of the way there I wondered how it was gonna be and if everyone was gonna be as nice as Liam.A while later the bus pulled up to the barn and I seen exactly what my mom had told me.Liam and I got off and as I looked around something or rather someone had caught my eye.A boy,not much older then me,with brown hair and even though we weren't close I could see he had beautiful blue eyes.I realized I was staring at him and looked away,blushing.The older guy,how was probably older then my mom and dad,walked over to me and Liam,who was still next to me. "Are you Liam and Ashley?" he asked "Yes." we both said."Okay then everyone is here.Follow me." he said.Everyone picked up there bags and started following him.I glanced back at the boy with blue eyes and he was still looking at me.

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