Chapter 6

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Louis P.O.V.

"Davey you go ahead and take him to the nurse and I'll take him to Mr.Mickaelson." Mr.Edwards said glancing back at me. "Okay and after I take him I'll go back and check on the class." Mr.Richard said.Mr.Edwards nodded and then Mr.Richard went in the opposite way then us.After a little while we reached the headmaster's office. "Sit here and don't move." Mr.Edwards said pointing to a seat that was by the door to the office.After I sat down Mr.Edwards knocked and went in.I was thinking about getting up and leaving but decided to stay.A couple minuet's later Mr.Edwards walked back out. "You can go in now." He said leaving the door open for me.I got up and walked in. 

"Hello Mr.Tomlinson,please shut the door please." Mr.Mickaelson said smiling.After I shut the and turned back to him,his smile was gonna and he looked very serious. "Mr.Edwards told me what happened but before I punish you,why don't you tell me why you did it." He said smiling sinisterly. "He made me mad." I said. "What did he do to make you mad?" "Nothing." I said not looking at him.I couldn't tell Mr.Mickaelson that he said something about Ashley,I don't want to drag her into this. "You know what,we're not all that different." He said sighing.I gave him a confused look. "We're both hybrids and when I was your age I didn't and sometimes couldn't control my temper.But even though we're alike,I still have to punish you."He said standing.

"Stand up."He demanded walking to me.As I stood Mr.Mickaelson threw me across the room. "Get back up."He demanded and I wasn't gonna back down.As I stood back up,he threw me again.He kept throwing me till I couldn't get up on my own.As I laid on the floor,Mr.Mickaelson came over to me again.At first I thought he was gonna pick me up and trow me again,but instead he held out his hand. "Don't worry I'm not gonna toss you anymore,I think you learned your lesson." He said.I took his hand and he helped me up. "Yes,I've learned my lesson and I won't throw anyone else."Cause I don't want to go through this again.I thought. "Good.Well since class started,you can go back to the dorm and rest but I want you at your next class.Got it?" "Yes,......sir." I said.I left and went to my room.

Ashley's P.O.V.

About 15 minuet's before the bell rang,Davey returned.After the bell rang and I changed out of my gym cloths,I went to Davey. "Um Davey........I mean Mr.Richard." "Yes." He said kinda snickering about me calling him by his first name and then his last. "I was just wondering how the boy Louis threw was and um where him and Ed...Mr.Edwards is." I said nervously. "The boy is fine,Mr.Edwards should be back soon and Louis is probably at the headmaster's office." He said. "Okay,thank you." I said and turned to walkaway. "Oh and Ashley." Mr.Richards said,I turned around to face him. "Yes." "You can call me and Eddie by our first names,right Eddie." I looked over my shoulder to see Eddie had walked in. "Yup." He said smiling. "Okay,I'll remember that.See you tomorrow Mr........Eddie and Davey." I said smiling,while walking to the doors. "We better see you tomorrow or your in trouble." Eddie said jokingly,while him and Davey waved bye.

I didn't need to see my face to tell I was blushing.I'm glade Louis isn't here cause he'd be asking why I was blushing.I wonder how Louis is doing right now,I hope he isn't in to much trouble.I walk into my next class still thinking about Louis. "Hey." Liam said said sitting next to me and snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey." I said smiling. "I thought we would have this class together." Liam said smiling.I look at the board to realize that this class is just for witch's. "Yeah at least we know we'll have one class together." The bell for class to start then rang. 


I know it's kinda short,sorry.Right now I'm trying to help my parent decorate the house for Halloween,inside and outside.So I'm not sure how often I'll update but hopefully I'll be able to update it at least once a week.So tell me what you think so far and thanks for reading <3 ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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