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Tanya hummed as she turned over on a really soft surface. She tensed as she felt an arm wrapped around her waist, 'who is that?' She asked herself knowing that it couldn't be him.

She opened her eyes and they soon widened with fear to see Arba's cackling face looking back at her, "Found you, little fairy~."

Tanya scrambled to get out of her grip but failed as the room in the castle faded into black. Tanya backed away from Arba only to fall with the darkness and end up in the same gold cage. 

She gripped the bars and looked around frantically, "no. No. No!" She yelled as she began shaking the bars to try and break them. Tanya began breathing heavily, almost like she was about to faint. 

She might as well have because the next thing she saw made her want to pass out. There she was, holding a bloody sword to her lover's neck. He was covered in blood, it was dripping down his chest and face. 

"FOCALOR!" Tanya yelled with tears streaming down her face, she held out her hands. "KASAI!" She yelled, waiting for a fire to erupt in her hands and melt the cage away, but nothing happened.

She looked down at her hands only to see them in iron chains, she doubled down on the floor and groaned in pain. "Focalor..." She whined, "I'll save you... Just wait..." She breathed out trying to rip off the infernal chains. 

She heard a chuckled and it came from the devil woman, "you're too weak... You'll never save him..." She scoffed and walked up to Tanya to grip her chin, "weak little fairy~." She chuckled and gripped the sword she had in her hand.


Tanya froze as blood came out of her mouth, she looked up and her vision went black with Arba's cackling face being the last thing she saw.



Tanya shot up and her eyes frantically looked around, she grew relieved to see that she was in the same castle. She wasn't in a cage. She was okay. She hugged herself and began shaking. She gripped her head, it seems that no matter what where she was, she would always be trapped in Al-thamen.

Tears escaped her eyes and sobs soon began shaking her body like a leaf.

"Are you okay?"

Tanya quickly wiped her eyes and whipped but sighed in relief to see it was only Sinbad. "What are you doing in here?" She asked while fixing her oddly disheveled hair. 

Sinbad chuckled and held out his right arm with Focalor's metal vessel, "he wanted to see how you were doing," answered Sinbad. Tanya smiled at the sentiment, she then looked down at herself, feeling something slightly off.

She soon realized not just her hair but her clothes were also out of place. She rose a brow, "why are my clothes and hair so messy?" She asked, she then groaned and gripping her hips, feeling a searing pain. "And why do my hips hurt?" She asked. 

Sinbad smirked, "you really don't remember anything, do you?" He asked. 

Tanya's eyes widened, thinking the worst. "Did we...?" She asked wearily, hoping the best.

Sinbad waved it off, "of course not, I know better than to touch a married woman," he said. Besides if he did, Focalor would find a way to murder him.


Sinbad and began walking out of the room, "let's just say you and Focalor were really loud last night," he said, leaving the bracelet containing her perverted husband. 

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