Nyotalia PruAus: They Don't Understand Us

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Dear Diary,

I love her so much. She's my everything. But...so many people hate us. Why? Because we're in love. They hate us because I love her, and she loves me. They hate us because we're not loving who they want us to love. We don't fit their standards so they are kicking us to the curb and saying that we don't matter. We shouldn't have rights...

We aren't normal.

But no more. Today it ends. Today, I will show them just how awesome I truly am, because it seems that they have forgotten. I will NOT let them hurt my love any longer.

Julchen wrote in her diary, angry tears falling from her eyes and smearing the ink, adding even more emotion to the words that she wrote. She was sick of it. The judgement. The hatred. All because she loved another woman. Annaliese was absolutely her life and she couldn't help what she felt for her. It was all too real. Her womanhood was questioned, she was called countless names, all because of who she loved. Hardly anyone respected her anymore. That was not the worst of it. Anna was hurt too. Even more so than Julchen herself, and this is where it went too far. Night by night she was faced with her lover crying herself to sleep right beside her, in her arms. She could feel the tears falling onto her night by night, and there was nothing she felt she could do about it but let it happen.

But no more. No, she would fight for who she loved. Fight for their rights. Love is love, and she was going to make damn sure that everybody knew that fact.

One morning. One morning was what changed it all. Julchen walked tall and proud with her arm firmly but gently around the smaller, daintier woman's waist. This was the first time she'd behaved this way in a long time. People stared, oh they were a VERY noticeable pair. Both very beautiful, both very feminine, both very powerful despite it all.

"Julia," Anna whispered, her amethyst eyes shining upwards towards the Prussian, a look of curiosity and awe being obvious in her expression. This was a nickname she often used with the other female, thinking it sounded beautiful and elegant. "You seem so much...different today." She continued. She missed this almost painfully so. She much preferred to see the love of her life standing tall and proud like the true royalty she was.

Julchen's lips pulled up into a charming, lopsided grin. One that made Annaliese melt every single time she saw it. It was far more rare of an occurrence now, so of course this was especially effective on her.

"I get to walk with the most beautiful girl on the face of the earth, knowing she's mine and mine alone. This makes me proud...how could I not be happy?" She responded proudly. She didn't dare whisper, as she didn't care who heard her. 

This seemed to shock the other, making her blush darkly in response. She was speechless. A few bystanders stared, their expressions mixed in emotion. Some were disgusted, others looked indifferent if not a tad curious, others looked almost happy. Julia payed no mind to any of it. Her focus was on the one who mattered most.

"You...haven't said anything like that in a long time." She eventually was able to respond, her expression becoming even more soft as pure love filled her heart.

With that, Julchen let out a sigh. "Ja, I know liebling. But things are changing...I can feel it." She replied confidently, entering into a beautiful park. The day was a tad hazy, which was how they liked it since not too many people came to the park on such days. They got to have the place mainly to themselves. "I promise you...I won't let them hurt you anymore. The only time I want you to cry is when they're tears of joy, because happiness is all you deserve." Her words were genuine. Every beat of her heart was for Anna. She was her entire world. She lived for her, she would kill for her, she would die for her. With every breath she took, she yearned to make her lover happy.

The Austrian was unsure how to respond to this. How Julia could change all of this, she had no clue, yet she believed in and trusted her enough to know that it could happen for certain.

"Julchen I..." She trailed off, unable to find the words perfect enough to follow what the albino had just said. They stopped and sat on a bench that overlooked the lake just a mere eight feet away from them, a mile and a half wide. The water was the bluest it'd ever been as if it was just for the two of them.

"I love you so much, Annaliese. Those words alone are not powerful enough to express what I feel for you."

The small Austrian nodded, resting her head on Julchen's chest. "I love you too, Julia. More than anything..." Was all she could manage to say, though she too felt that her words were not powerful enough. There were no words in any language to express what either of them felt. This was beyond just love. It was like they were born for each other.

-A week passes-

As expected, things still were far from perfect, but Julchen noticed that Annaliese cried less and less. When there were those who spoke out against their love, the Prussian did not sit back and watch. No. She instead rose up and spoke out against them. She defended what was theirs just as she felt she should have from the beginning. There was a lot of backlash but there were supporters as well, and of course there's safety in numbers. Not only was she stuck with the hatred that came with being lesbian, but being a woman in general. Women are wrong, women, are this, women aren't that and all of these lies that she just did not stand for.

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