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I am woken with pancakes the next morning. Hunter kisses me and we don't stop cuddling. I feel so stupid for being annoyed on this trip.

"I'm never drinking again." I say as I cringe.

"You are really fun when you're drunk." Hunter says.

"Am I not fun when I am sober?" I ask sassily.

"Yes, you just seem to be less, uptight, you're more yourself." He says. I kiss him.

"Only you have seen me." I say. He kisses me.

"And I still love you." He says. I smile and we make out.

"Get ready, I'm taking you out." Hunter says.

"Where?" I ask as I stand up.

"Late lunch and then I need to get a few things from the "mall"." He says, I laugh and get ready. I finish my lipstick and walk downstairs. Hunter holds me close and kisses me.

"You look like an idiot." I say and laugh. He looks in the mirror and Wipes the lipstick from his face. I just take mine off completely, we're eating anyway.

Hunter drives us to the diner I saw on my drunken night and I blush. It is so cute.

"Madam." Hunter says as he opens the door.

"Kind sir." I say and bow a little as I enter.

"Benny, we have brits!" an old woman shouts. I blush and she scoots over.

"We don't get foreigners no more." She says and shows us to a table.

"What can I get you to drink?" she asks.

"Water please." I say.

"Lemonade please." Hunter says.

"Oh, you are too cute. I'll be right back." She says. I laugh with Hunter and we open the menus.

"Here we are." I look at her name tag, Dorris, cute.

"Thank you." Hunter and I say in unison. She smiles.

"Ready to order?" She asks. I order a veggie burger and Hunter orders Steak, eggs and 'fries'

"This is too cute." I say as I look around.

"You are." Hunter says.

"Stop, your making me blush and that is so cheesy." I say and sip my water.

"You love it." He says.

"No, I love you." I say.

"Now look who is being cheesy." Hunter says with a playful glare. I lightly kick him and Dorris comes over.

"Sorry to disturb you cuties, but I was wondering if I could take a picture with you?" she asks. Hunter and I shrug.

"Sure." I say and she smiles. A man comes out of the office with a Polaroid camera and takes a picture.

"Awe." I say.

"Would you like one of you two?" She asks. I nod and hunter comes to me. We take a picture of him kissing my cheek and one of me kissing his.

"This is amazing." I say as we eat and I watch the picture develop.

"Only the best for the best girl." He says. I smile and we finish our meals. It's on the house as Dorris is co-owner and it made her so happy.

Hunter and I go to the "mall" and shop a little, Hunter gets more clothes and I get a few little things, I didn't bring a bikini so I bought one in case we go in the river again, Hunter sure did enjoy shopping for it. Hunter goes to the toilet and I walk around.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Hey." Hunter says.

"Hey, where next?" I ask.

"Considering I have two bags of things and you have two things I want to get you something." Hunter says.

"No, you've done enough." I say sternly. He sighs.

"Fine, you have to help me pick out a watch for my brother. He gave me money to buy one for him." he says.

"Ok." I say and we go to a jewellery shop. Hunter and I look at watches and we drift to different parts of the shop. I see him talk to a shop assistant and I bite my lip, she is attractive. He better not be flirting. I take a breath. If course he isn't. He looks at me and winks.

"Let's go, my brother can get his own watch." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yep, he has loads." He says and we go back home. Home.

We spend the rest of the time here perfectly, we go to the diner and other restaurants. We make out and be lazy, we splash and laugh in the pool and eat chocolate covered strawberries as the sun sets.

"I don't want to go." I say as I eat a strawberry.

"Neither do I." Hunter says sadly.

"Maybe we can come back." I say.

"I'll make sure of it." Hunter says and feeds me a strawberry. I look out to the setting sun and sigh.

"I love you." Hunter says.

"I love you too." I say and eat another strawberry.

"Ash, I know you didn't want me to get you anything, but I couldn't stop myself." Hunter says.

"Hunter no..." I say and look at him. My jaw drops as I see the box in his hands. "Hunter..." I say.

"It's a promise ring." Hunter says and takes the ring out. Its plain silver with an infinity sign on the top, the cross over in the middle has a diamond in it and the inside says trust.

"Hunter..." I say and I put it on. "This must have cost a fortune." I say as I awe over it.

"Not really, I got two so it was cheaper, plus I thought it was a good idea." Hunter says as he pulls out his. It has a thicker band and has an infinity sign engraved on the outside and trust on the inside.

"Hunter..." I trail off.

"Stop saying my name and tell me if you like it." He says. I hug him tightly.

"I love it." I say and we cuddle.

"I love you." Hunter says.

"I love you too." I say and he kisses me. We make out in the bed for the last time and go to bed, it's an early morning tomorrow to catch our flight.

I don't want to leave here, it is my home, our home. It is my paradise.

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