✔️Assignment #2: Pairs (4/30/17 - 5/7/17)

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Welcome back to our second assignment!  I've decided that this one will be in pairs of two. Members: your task is to read the first 3 chapters on your partner's book and provide a minimum of 3 sentences per chapter (in which must not be 1-word comments, something detailed and helpful). Not sure what book was the one your partner entered?  Want to know more about your partner?  Check them out on the "MEMBER LIST" chapter.  Notice: on the "Leader/Supervisor" line, when it says default, that just means there isn't a Staff Member supervising the group members, but instead, I am.

Your assignment start date is Sunday, April 30, 2017. The deadline is 1 week from now... which will be Sunday, May 7, 2017. Good luck, and feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns!

P.S... Please don't complain about your assignment. I try my best to place you accordingly to your interests and restrictions, but sometimes, you will end up having to read a genre you don't particularly like. It's not the end of the world, it's called trying something new. Although, if you happen to be reading a book that ends up being too mature for you, I can make modifications to your assignment, and you can be moved to another group/pair.

***When you have completed your assignment, please comment "done with @(your partner/group members)" on this chapter.  That's just so I'll know you've completed it... DO NOT comment the feedback here, please leave it on your partner/group members' chapters. That's the whole point, so that they can earn both constructive criticism AND more reads/votes/comments. Remember, the first pair/group to complete their assignment wins bonus Petals!

➡️ (If a Leader/Supervisor or group member happens to be a Reader, then you don't have to read any of their books; but they will read yours.  Also, if one of your assignment books is in which one you have already read, try reading and providing feedback for the following three chapters you haven't read.)

Here are the Pairs:

Group 1: Courageous Sunflowers
(Leader/Supervisor: TulipWriting )
- Sometimes-I-Sneeze ✔️
- -xyna- ✔️

Group 2: Prideful Roses
(Leader/Supervisor: PokemonAC )
- Summersand1 ✔️ +1 Petal
- fzbeauty ✔️ +1 Petal

Group 3: Sweet Dandelions
(Leader/Supervisor: default)
- RIS1958 ✔️
- kyna_kotlc-4eva ✔️

Group 4: Dancing Violets
(Leader/Supervisor: default)
- MaddieWatson5
- whateverparlor ✔️

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