Chapter 16 - You're Doing It or You Lose Your Job

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May 17th

"I can't believe our babies are 9 months old already! And I can't believe I have to go back to work now." Erin said, watching as Cody crawled over to Jay on the living room floor.

"I can't believe these boys are going to be with a babysitter all day today." Jay said, tickling both of the boys at once.

"I don't like this, they're growing up." Erin pouted.

"Hey, that just means they're getting more active and more fun!" Jay said as Landon stood up on his own and took a few steps towards Erin before falling.

"Landon Henry! You just walked!" Erin cried out excitedly, Landon smiling at her and clapping his hands.

"Yay Landon!" Jay called, Cody clapping for his brother.

There was a knock at the door then.

"That must be Gabby and Matt here to babysit." Erin said, getting up and answering the door for them.

"Hey guys, thanks for doing this." Erin said, leading them inside.

"Yeah, no problem. This nanny-gig is great on days without shift. Plus, I get to be with these little guys all day!" Gabby said, picking up Landon.

"Hey, they are the best to be around. You guys will have so much fun." Jay said, playing with Cody.

"I bet." Matt said, tickling Landon in Gabby's arms.

"Okay, we should be back by 5, unless we catch an important case." Erin said, gathering her things and taking the keys from Jay's hand. "You don't drive, Jay."

Erin and Jay said good-bye to their babies and left for work. Once they walked into the district, they were informed they had a huge drug ring to bust.

As the day wore on, it became harder and harder to find any more leads or information on the drug ring.

"Commander Perry, what can we do for you?" Hank asked as he walked in, everybody turning to face him.

"Let's have a meeting in your office. Jay Halstead, you'll be joining us." He demanded, Jay and Hank following him into Hank's office.

"I'm just going to cut to the point: Detective Halstead, you're going undercover to bust this drug ring. The gig should last anywhere from a week to a month."

"Hell no! I have a wife and kids! Seriously, I have 9 month old twin boys, one of which just learned to walk this morning! I'm not leaving them or my wife!" Jay yelled, Commander Perry putting his hand up to stop him.

"No 'ands,' 'ifs' or 'buts,' Halstead. You're doing it or you're losing your job." Perry told him. Jay looked to Hank, who looked equally as pissed off. They both knew the risks of going undercover and the toll it would take on Erin would be ridiculous.

"Now, you are starting tonight at 9, so go home and get your bags packed." Commander Perry said before leaving.

"This is so fucking stupid!" Jay growled, Hank agreeing.

"Well, you heard him. Jay, I'm sorry, but my hands are tied with this one. You and Erin go home and spend the rest of the day with the boys, also tell Erin she's on furlough until you get back from the assignment." Hank told him.

Jay nodded and walked out, whispering what just happened in Erin's ear on their way out.

When they got home, Gabby and Matt were surprised to see them. That is, until they explained what had happened.

"Hey, you need anything, we're here." Gabby told Erin as she and Matt left.

"I appreciate it, thanks." Erin said, looking into the living room at the boys on Jay.

"What am I going to do if something happens to him?"

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