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Taehyung thought to himself....
      "I can't let her go just like this. I need to go to the final straw and consult to the other realm that I'm familiar with. I need to take Chungmin home with me,not getting caught by my mother and somehow letting her parents know she is safe and sound. I'll just have to think of it later. What I need to do now is find a way to hide her somewhere and make it look like she isn't skipping class.
I got it.I'll just tell the teacher that she has next period she went to the nurse,not feeling good in the process and she will consult her parents after school. This will work like a charm.",Taehyung pondered,pacing around the restroom.
Taehyung unlocked the restroom door and looked side to side out of the restroom door,seeing if anyone existed around the given area. Tap. Right on his shoulder,turning his head around to see who seemed on the other side. It turned out to be a young man,somewhat in 10th grade,around the age of 16,with a short stature for his age and a muscular looking figure.
"Hey,bro. I need to go to the restroom. Do you mind if I intrude into your cave man? I need to let my dick relax for a while.",He mindlessly released.
Sure,man. The thing is that I have a someone in here and that person is knocked out unconscious. Please don't tell anyone of what I told you. I'm a goody goody and I don't want to get in trouble,okay,my man?",Taehyung prayed.
"Nah,it's cool man. I can see what you did here. You spiked their drinking water and carried them off into the restroom to have a good old time,am I right?",He admired,making a stroking motion,while biting his lip.
"It's not like that,you see. I'm not that kind of guy-",Taehyung got interrupted.
The sort man pushed Taehyung to the side and gouged the boys bathroom door open. To his surprise,a girl appeared on the other side,laying there motionless.
" You have a girl. My lord,just do what you have to do.Don't cut it with the old crap and shit. Just fuck her already and get it over with. It's not rape if she doesn't consciously know about it and you don't tell her. Just stick your dick in her and pull in and out. Strip her of her clothes,get on top of her and squeeze her-",The young man got interrupted.
"ENOUGH!!!!!! I don't see Chungmin like that. She fell down the stairs and I think she's dead,okay. She doesn't have a pulse and she's pale as the sun. Why don't you do what you came here to do and get the fuck out!!!!",Taehyung gasped,red faced.
"Can I fuck her tho? I originally wanted to jack off in a bathroom stall,but I got the real deal here. Even if she's dead,a pussy is a pussy,right?May I? I won't leave until I get what I want and you can't beat me. I have a muscular built body,while you're flabby. Try meh bitch.",The young man prompted,eagerly.
Taehyung thought to himself....
"How the hell am I going to escape this situation? He's blocking the door and I got a person to take with me. There is only an opening for one person to fit through and I'm in a part of a building,where no one is here until 3 hours from now,for late lunch for the seniors.Screaming would be pointless and I'll be along to get obliterated.I'm fucked man. Chungmin I'm sorry.
I surrender. I have no choice. If I run out without you,he will have his way with you either way.",he pleaded.
      "You can have her. I will just watch. Looking away will be too hard to imagine. Just know that she's dead.",Taehyung sobbed,collapsing onto his knees.
      "Thanks man. I didn't actually think you would break down this easily,but I'll have my fun with her. Now can you pass me my condom out of my wallet I'll promise to make it a quickie,alright goody boy?",The young man pointed,mocking Taehyung.

               🍂.                    🌸.

"Please forgive me for my grievances."

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