Chapter 2:

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The world came crashing down on Jungkook. The black haired boy's words floating around in his head, taunting him. His mind blanked for a second while the boy in front of him just looked at him with pure confusion. He struggled to find the words to say when a sudden uproar of applause brought him back to reality. He whipped his head back to the performers only to see that the performance was over, not failing to notice the sudden absence of colors as well. The once crowded bunch of people now dispersing once the show was over.

“Hey, are you alright?”

He turned his head back to where the boy was standing to see him still looking at him with confusion and a hint of worry in his eyes.

“I- yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” He swallowed down the nerves and the sudden lump in his throat and looked down. He was embarrassed and confused out of his mind. All he wanted now was to go home, slide under his blankets and forget whatever had happened today.

“So are you going to tell me what you meant before?”

Jungkook whipped his head back up to see that indeed the voice came from the boy who was the cause of all this confusion. “Wha-”

Stumbling on his words was not something Jungkook usually does. But this time it’s as if he does it all the time. Now it’s Jungkook’s turn to look confused as he stares at the boy with questioning eyes. Said boy seems to notice the look on Jungkook’s face and opens his mouth to say something.


Now the boy had turned his head to the source of the voice just in time for someone to come tackling him, almost dropping the both of them. Jungkook looked at the scene with wide eyes only registering two things.

One being that the mystery boy’s name was Jimin, and the other being that there was currently someone clinging onto Jimin like a koala. The two were bickering, not paying any attention to Jungkook.

It was at this time that Jin decided to call out his name.


Said boy turned his head to the direction of Jin’s voice and saw him standing with Namjoon waving his head crazily above his head. “Let’s go Jungkook!” Normally, Jungkook would be embarrassed at this and pretend not to know him. Especially with how everyone was now looking at him.

But it was different today.

He was grateful for it today- minus the people staring. Turning his head back to Jimin and the boy, who were now looking at him too, he bowed his head and turned towards Jin and Namjoon’s direction, not hearing the sound of protest coming from Jimin. He could still feel the stares and started booking it as fast as he could just to get away from here. Now more than ever, he just wanted to go home or better yet disappear. Once he made it to the duo, they had given him questioning looks but Jungkook just walked past them towards the car. He didn’t want to talk about what happened.

At least not now. Not while he’s so confused and… hurt. He doesn’t really comprehend why this Jimin guy had affected him so much. He doesn’t get that this Jimin seemed completely unaffected while Jungkook was having an internal dilemma. Inside he knew that he would have to talk about it with Namjoon and Jin. Otherwise they would keep pestering him about it and that was something Jungkook found annoying. He needs time to think about it too.

There was a logical voice in the back of Jungkook’s mind that was telling him he had probably just made a mistake. An embarrassing mistake, sure, but a mistake nonetheless. Deep down, though, he knew what had happened. There was no way he could have mistaken it.

Once in the car, Jin threw him a worried glance but he shrugged it off and rested his head on the window. Everything was still so confusing and it was just giving him a headache. Blocking every sound out, he closed his eyes and lost himself in the darkness.

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