The Rabit Hole

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She is a as light as a feather and as happy as lady bug. She is calm like the sea and bright like a lightbulb. She is the best she can be. But as she floated along her trail called life, she found cupcakes and cookies leading to a hole. She (as any innocent person would do) followed the trail of goodies to the rabbit hole. There was no signs or warnings to not take a peak in. So she looked in. It looked like a Once Upon a Time story book in their. It was inviting. But she knew to keep her distance, no matter what it looked like. She knew if she followed the trail she'd be fine. But a gust of sweet smelling wind pushed her in the rabbit hole. She feel for what felt like days. But everyday still was as fun and sweet. Until she hit the bottom. She feel hard down, shaking her enough to shatter some of her heart. She lost a bit of herself from the fall. And as we all know you can't get back up a rabbit hole. There is no up, just down or straight. So she kept walking straight. Going straight still puts her on the trail but she is now bellow some of the others. She was also above some as well. This is because there are still plenty more holes on the second level and the same on the third level, fourth, and fifth. She just sang to herself as she kept walking the path. But she saw another rabbit hole. She knows not to even dare because the last time she looked down the rabbit hole she ended up here, on the second floor. But as she came across yet another she stopped caring and just free fell in. She landed and shattered more of her heart. To this day she is on the fourth level and lost her true self. She is no longer as light as a feather or as calm as the sea. She is as broken as shattered glass and as lost as your childhood doll.

This is how I describe the rabbit hole.

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