Dear Anonymous
Womb, cage, jailor, inflicter, abuser,accuser, never once a mother. You are undeserving of the title. Your going to get yourself hurt fucking around like you do. I don't care if your hurt, alone, you deserve it. The rumors you've spread, the lies you've told, bruises left. You're getting your karma now. You're a firm believer right? I know you are well here you are getting back what you've put out. I wish you dead everytime you cross my mind, everytime i hear your name, realize you exist, i wish that you didn't. I wish you were dead but first id like you to have a taste of what you deserve. Maybe that's why even with your sicknesses, suicide attempts that you can't no you wont die. Its probably cuz some being somewhere believes that you deserve pain in your life. The thing is you still continue to destroy and disrupt lives, your "friends" your "family" and even the man you claim to love, all you do is hurt and destroy, even when your half across the continent away your still weaseling your way into my life. I want no part of it. Your a horrid, vile, hateful, revenge seeking pile of garbage. You will soon realize that no one wants anything to do with you. You'll hit rock bottom. That is what you need. Then you need to be removed from the earth in the most painful terrible way. In other words i want you dead so much it hurts. Typically those words would never leave a "sons" mouth, but im not your son. Im some disgraceful faggot, mistake that you wish you'd aborted. Im that one problem that wouldn't disappear.
I remember our last days together.....the screaming.....the name calling....the drunken drug filled nights id put myself in so i could get away....i had never been lower. I spent those day cringing hair falling out from where you'd pulled chunks out leaving knots on my head....the bruises and cuts on my neck from your rings and nails when id finally hit my breaking point and yelled back. I never once went out of my way to hit you was all self defense.....there was that one time where i blacked out almost giving you a concussion.....i could never bring myself to hit you....was it fear? Of you? Jail? Or was i too weak and spineless? Was i too broken to stand up to you?
I remember when i was younger thinking you were innocent and did no wrong. Well i was wrong, it wasn't everyone was you......being i realize your a walking disaster......
My point being i can't stand you existing. I wish you didn't. Then maybe i would've been born into a different family, been raised differently, actually been loved, had a real life.
......please.......just die......-signed
Your whore, mentally stable,faggot, mistake of a "son"