Secretly Meeting My Boyfriend || Jake Paul

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"Jake, I'm gonna go meet Tyler!" I yelled as I grabbed the door about to walk out.

"No you can't go out, Jade! It's past your curfew, 10:30. You can't go out anymore." Jake spoke closing the door as I tried to pull it to open.

I groaned as I knew I wouldn't win. I had to meet Tyler. Tyler is my boyfriend that Jake knows about. Tyler's sweet and goofy like me. I don't understand why he won't let me see Tyler.

"Let her go, Jake. She's a teen, not a toddler. She's 16." Erica tried to convince Jake into letting me go.

Erica is like my best friend. Everyone says she's the mom of Team10 and I couldn't agree more. I love her like a mom and a sister. I even help her clean up the crap Jake and his friends leave around the house which annoys me so much. I can't live like that. My room is a different story. My room can be as messy as it wants to be because no one goes in their unless I let them.

"I don't care, she's my baby sister," He argues and looks down at me, "you're not going to meet Tyler." He says as he walks over to Anthony who sat on the trampoline along with Chance.

"Ugh." I groan loudly in annoyance as I stomp up the stairs.

Erica walks up after me, "I'm sorry, Jadelyn. I wish I could help but, Jake would literally kick me out if I let you go see Tyler. I know he is a sweet boy. Maybe meet him tomorrow?" She asked as she sat down on a step and I joined her.

I shrugged, "I guess but he's very short tempered so I dunno how he's going to react to this.." I sigh as she rubs my back.

"Sorry, babe. Jake just wants to protect you." She hugged me and walked back down to her room.

I sighed and smiled at an idea that popped into my brain. I can escape. I'm tired of being trapped here at 10:30. I ran up to my room and opened my window. I figured my way down the wall of the front house and made it to the ground. I smiled at my escape and ran to a cafe nearby where I would be meeting Tyler.

"Tyler!" I shouted as I saw him about to leave with a sad look on face. His face immediately lit up as he saw me.

"Jadelyn! I thought you weren't going to come because of your brother's stupid curfew." He smiled.

"I escaped." I explained out of breath since I ran from the house to the cafe.

His eyes went wide, "You what?! Escaped?? Jadelyn your brother is going to kill me thinking that I got you to escape!" He said frantically stepping away from me as if we never met before.

"What? Why would he want to kill you?? You're extremely sweet!" I argued slightly walking up towards him.

"I don't date bad girls, Jadelyn." He spoke harshly.

I scoffed, "I'm not a bad girl, Tyler. Live your life! Quit worrying about getting into trouble when I went through this trouble for you! I ran away to hang out with you just for you!! But now that I see that you won't live your life to the fullest, the you're not the guy I want to have around!" I spat.

He stayed quiet and cowers as I continued, "I want a guy that do dares, do whatever they can to get to their girl. But looks like I'm the one chasing after you, and I shouldn't be chasing after you."

"Fine, be the crappy person you want to be. You're just like your brother! You're adventurous, daring! I'm nothing like you! I like school, and being good," he stepped away and sighed, "I can't be with a girl who does that shit."

"Well you decided to be with me, Tyler!" I yelled.

"Not anymore! We're done!" He yelled and ran away.

I sighed and shrugged. "Not the first time.." I breathed in air my breathing shaky.

It was a stupid reason to break up though. At least I think so. "Can't be with a girl who is adventurous, okay well let me tap dance for you." I muttered to myself, kicking a rock.

I sighed and turned to run home. Tears threatening to spill out. I jumped over the gate and was about to open the door when I saw Jake with his vlogging camera on and half of the Team10 crew surround him.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU, JADELYN LAUREN PAUL?!!?" He yelled as he pulled me in grabbing my arm tightly.

"WITH TYLER BUT GUESS WHO'S NOW SINGLE!?" I yelled back as I escaped his grip and ran up to my room, slamming the door of my room and ran to my bed, crying.

I heard a knock on my door and I turned to the door, seeing Ivan and Emilio. You okay?" Ivan asked, his accent strong.

"Do I look okay, Ivan?" I asked and hid my face in my pillow, continuing to cry.

I heard the door close and my bed dip on two different sides. Ivan wrapped his arms around my waist behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder as Emilio laid in front of me. He picked up my chin and gave a weak smile. "Please smile." He made his lips perk as if he was doing a selfie.

It made me smile and blush because I've always had a crush on Emilio.

"She smile?" Ivan asked peeking over my shoulder as I chuckled, turning to lie on my back after Ivan moved his arm from my waist.

"Yes she smiled." Emilio answered, resting his head on my shoulder as Ivan played with my hair.

"Love you boys." I smiled as the boys smile.

"We love you too." They said in sync as they yawned.

"Night, Jadelyn." Ivan said kissing my cheek as he got up to leave to the bunks they had downstairs.

"Night Ivan." I yawned.

"Buenos noches Jade." Emilio said, kissing my cheek as well before following after Ivan.

"Night Em." I said before falling asleep.


"Jade I'm so sorry that I was mean to you yesterday and I didn't go comfort you." Jake yelled with Emilio holding the camera as Jake hugged me as I was still in bed trying to go back to sleep.

"Let me sleeeeeep." I groaned.

"You can't sleep after 10 or I would've put that smoke bomb I put in Chance's and Anthony's room in your room but I decided to be nice." He smiled, taking the camera from Emilio and Ivan.

"Fine, I'm up and I forgive you." I smiled hugging him.

"I'm glad you do, now lets go prank Nick." He chuckles, running out of my room, with me hot on his heels

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