Daddy Chance || Chessa

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Baby Mia and Baby Jaxon

Today, Chance and Tessa have two beautiful babies. Mia and Jaxon. They're now 12 months old and always have their eyes open for whatever they could put their mouth on. At the moment they live in the Team10 house with everyone else. Tessa is watching Mia outside while Chance is on the trampoline that was now moved outside with Jaxon. It was all very exhausting and tiring watching the babies put things in their mouths, the things that were okay which was toys, the things that wasn't okay.. keys, Jake's vlogging camera, Tessa's vlogging camera, the bars of their crib, anything in their reach.

"No, no, baby take that out of your mouth." Tessa cooed to Mia, taking the stick she had put in her mouth. Mia whined some and crawled away under the trampoline.

"Chance don't jump on the trampoline, Mia just went under it.." Tessa warned Chance sitting on the ground watching Mia.

"WE'RE GONNA PLAY BASEBALL WITH THE DRONE!!!" Jake and the boys yelled getting riled up.

Mia sat under the trampoline and giggled clapping at their enthusiasm.

Chance put Jaxon on the ground and watched him careful of the boys that were full of too much energy.

Jaxon got up to walk around the boys until he saw his shadow, screaming running away trying to get away from it. The scream made the boys turn to Jaxon and made them chuckle as he tried to get away from his shadow.

He screamed again and then threw himself on the ground crying and screaming. Chance cooed and picked him up hugging him. "It's just your shadow." He laughed trying to comfort him. Jaxon still cried in his arms scared of the shadow.

"C'mere baby," Tessa said taking him from his arms and let Mia walk around with Emilio and Ivan.

Once Jaxon calmed down, and the sun had set some, Tessa put him back down on the ground and let him walk around. He found Jake's drone and chewed on it.

"I don't think this is good for you," Anthony said giggling some, he took it softly from his hand.

Jaxon looked up at him curiously and giggled, running inside after Kade. Tessa smiled and looked at Chance. "Love you," she said kissing his cheek.

"Love you more," Chance kissed her lips then kissed her neck.

"MIA NO!" Jake yelled from inside, followed by a cry that was from Mia.

"What did she do now?" Chance asked chuckling jogging inside with Tessa after him.

"You don't chew on Jake's camera." Tristan cooed picking her up to calm her down.

"Does it still work?" Chad asked.

Jake nodded sighing thankfully.

"Peekaboo!" Emilio said giggling at Jaxon. Jaxon clapped his hands laughing.

Chance and Tessa smiled at Jaxon and went to Mia who had now fallen asleep. "Time for bed," Chance muttered taking Mia into his arms while Tessa went to go get Jaxon.

I got inspired because in Jake's last vlog Chance was all like, "No, no, no, no." He like said it in the sweetest voice so I'm like fuck it why not do one when they have kids

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