Jack & Jill

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24hr have past and agent hunter and his team is wait for something, anything that can give them a chance on finding this psychopathic person. Out of nowhere the flat screen turned on and as you can see it is the Reaper. That the name they identify this serial killer "REAPER". Agent hunter don't worry this is a one-way screen, I can't see what you are doing or how your trying to find me but you can see what I am doing though. Now for the first game, it easy very easy, it's called "SEARCH & RESCUE". Ready!

Jack and Jill went up the hill to be alone. Jill saw scary man while jack kiss her worries away. Jill got shot in the leg with an mp5 while jack got shot in the shoulder with a colt 45.

Here is you clues:

1) Jack is in a place that will soon be filled with water.

2) Jill is in a field surrounded by pigs who haven't eaten at all.

3) Jill will die faster than jack. Jack knows my face Jill knows my next move. Who will you save, JACK OR JILL. CHOOSE WISELY.

You 6hr to save them. Which one will it be

Agent hunter immediately ask for a map of all the possibly location that relates to a field or some place that have somewhere where water can be put in it. I need locations now! We have six hours to save them. We will work until we save them. Officer Bran ask officer agent how will they be able to save both victims if one is close to death. It our job to save those that are in need. Agent Ryan told officer hunter about the 13 abandon fields in hollow town but only ten have animals. What about Jack where could he be. Any suggestion. A well or even a water tank maybe. Yes, your right can anybody some locations for me. I have found 20 but only 15 can give water. Split into eight teams we can cover more ground. Shit only four hours left. Police cars are all rounding around town from location to location all trying to find Jack and Jill.


Let's make this game a little interesting. I know let's give them some problems. On Second and western their a few car crashes, (that should slow down the pace), burned house on Mary Avenue, (even slower now), now for the finishing touch "the media" (let's give a tip for one hell of a juice ass fucking story). Oohh one hour left.

Agent hunter and his team are press for time. He hears a voice yelling in the distance, its Jill screaming for help. Agent hunter gets his pocket knife and began to set her free. They got blankets from the car and began to ask her question about reaper all she could say is that "I can't tell you anything because he put a bomb on me he said until we reach safe house than I could talk but if I talk before that he will kill me." Agent hunter know that what she said was true. Only 30 minutes left and they still can't find jack, it too late regardless because 6 tons' worth of water have suffocated Jack and cause him to drown. His body was found with only ten minutes left till the dead line.

Agent hunter and his team made it to the police station with only one minute left but before they could enter a crowd of reporters came storming Agent Hunter and his team. Right before Agent hunter could open the door to let Jill in the timer on his phone went off, knowing what that meant he quick try to let Jill in when suddenly a bullet came out of nowhere came and hit Jill right in the head. Blood, brain, tissue muscle came and splatter all aver the crowd. Jill body is now laying on the floor lifeless and without a head. Agent hunter is too much in shock from what just happen knowing that the bullet could have hurt him to.

When Agent hunter came walking in the police station cover in Jill head pieces, the monitor came on and their he was reaper laughing his ass off as if he just saw something funny.


Ha-ha, that's what I call a face to see now a day. Did you enjoy the first game even though you lost it seems that you must get a penalty? So, what should-

Agent Hunter:

You think this is funny, you just killed a human being that did not to any harm towards you.


Do not interrupt me when I am talking for that you will fucking pay, I told you I will make this game personal.

Agent Hunter:

She made it to safe house why would you still kill her?


Because she wasn't inside the safe house and I know that you heard when your phone went off. Plus, you made tomorrows news headline, how about "officer couldn't save the victim". Now choose your penalty, I kill a child or a baby choose. You have 30 seconds.

Agent Hunter:

No I can't choose, don't kill any children.


So, you could choose, I choose for you, how about both.

The link got cut and then a in distance Agent Hunter heard the sirens. Over the radio chatter all they could hear in that silent room was ("dispatch the children hospital was blown up. We can confirm that 120 infants are confirmed and 260 children's age 3-9 are dead. The fire unit is putting out the fire once its finish they request back up to find any more bodies.")

The room went dead silence at that moment everyone knows this killer is not someone they are going to catch unless he wants to be caught. this is only the beginning everyone thought. All Agent Hunter could think about is the people, babies, and children's he let die just because he couldn't be fast enough to get her Jill through the door if that's even her name. The families losing their child, this killer is a pro, able to put a bullet in Jill head with all those reporters there. Agent Hunter can't shake the feeling of having meeting this person somewhere before. This is only a game to him but to Harris Hunter it more than a game it life and death of many people, who will get hurt and killed by this fucked up person. This is something that the FBI could not ignore. This person is on a whole norther level than any one Harris knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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