Chapter One: Back to Hogwarts

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I slowly pack my other pair of robes as the moment I've been dreading and desiring the whole summer quickly approaches. I pick up my Head Girl badge and headed to the mirror. My own bushy haired, brown eyed reflection looked back at me. I give out a heavy sigh as I pin the Head Girls badge to my black robe.

 A light knock danced on the door before it is slowly opened. Ginny poked her head through the crack and her light blue eyes looked around the room until they landed on me. I give her a short laugh that assures her that she could come in.

"Ready to go?" Ginny asked, pushing her fiery red hair out of her frickled face.

"Yeah, just hand me that book there." I said, pointing to the old rotting book on the bed that I had been sleeping on for the past three weeks.

Ginny nods and hands me the book, after she reads the title no less.

"Tales of Beedle the Bard?" Ginny quotes, "Didn't Dumbledore leave that to you in his will?"

"Yeah, I like to read the little tales." I say sheepishly.

I quickly lay the book lightly under my robes, to make sure that I don't damage the book on the train ride. I zip up my trunk and lift it up onto the floor.

"Hermione! Ginny! Come now, we must leave!" Mrs. Weasley's voice sounded from downstairs.

"Let's go." Ginny smiled.

With the little help from Ginny, I carry my trunk down to the front yard, where Harry, Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley stood by an old truck. I gave my trunk to Mr. Weasley, who threw it into the back pan of the blue old truck. I turn on my heel to find myself squished onto Ron's hard chest.

"I'll miss you." Ron whispers in my ear.

I slowly nod and took this moment to embrace Ron one last time before going back to Hogwarts for my seventh year, which Harry and Ron seemed to think was unnecessary and decided to become Aurors right away. It didn't hurt that Harry was close with the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shaklebolt, either.

I looked over Ron's shoulder to see that Harry and Ginny were having a very passionate makeout scene by the Burrow's front door taht made it look like they were trying to combine their selves to make one. You can really tell how much they love each other, though. Just by the way they look at each other, by the way they miss each other so much even if they've only been apart for a fraction of a second. I wish I could say that is what Ron and I have, but then I would be lying.

We all break apart when Mrs. Weasley informs us that Ginny and I would be late for our train back to Hogwarts if we don't leave now.

Ron gives me a quick, and meaningless to me, kiss on the lips before we depart. Harry and Ginny embrace once more before she takes her seat in the middle seat in the front of the truck. I quickly give Harry a hug and wishes of luck as a Auror, which he returns with my school work instead. I find my seat in the truck and quickly put my seatbelt on. I stuck my head out the window to say thank you to Mrs. Weasley, and to remind Ron and Harry to write often as the truck took of done the road.

I placed my elbow against  the window and put my chin in my palm, before I knew it we were at Kings Cross Station, biding Mr. Weasley goodbye and running through the platform to get to the Hogwarts Express. I followed Ginny onto the train where we found an empty compartment and we stow away out trunks. I take the seat oppiste of Ginny and look out the window at the view which is now just blurs as we speed across the country side.

I brought my attention back when I heard the compartment door slide open and Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom slip into the small room with their trunks.

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