Chapter One

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(A/N we're going to pretend we live in a beautiful world where all of 1D is single. Wouldn't that be a dream? But I support El and Dani so, no hating!)

Chappie One!

I waited in the line at Caribou for my mocha. I groaned and looked at my watch, 8:25 am. At this rate I'm going to be late for school.

"Come on!" I yelled to myself. A few people gave me looks so I just glared back. I hear my order get called. I step up to receive it. I take the warm cup in my hand and smile.

"Thanks!" I smile at the lady who handed the drink to me. She smiled back before I sipped my drink and walked out of Caribou. I strutted in my heels down the street until I reached the end of the block. This is the intersection where my friend Penelope picks me up for school everyday. I took another sip of my drink and stared down at my iPhone, 8:35. Damn it! Where is Peno?! I shoved my phone back into my bag just in time for somebody to ram into me. I flew through the air and landed sharply on my tail bone. Pain zinged up my spine.

"What in the fresh hell?!" I yell up to the chick who rammed into me. She didn't look sorry.

"Sorry! I heard One Direction was supposed to be around here! Gotta run!" A teenage girl yelled before taking off in the other direction. Oh, no. Thanks for your help, you're too kind, but I can totally get up by myself. God, some girls. I brushed the gravel off my hands and wast about to get up when I see a hand stretch out in front of me.

"Did you need a hand, love?" A really sexy British accent asks me from above my head. I turn my head up to see a guy with messy brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He was surrounded by four equally hot guys who were probably trying not to laugh their asses off. I hate douches like these guys. Playing superhero and then trying to hook up. Haha, not falling for that again!

"No, I can get up by myself, thanks." I stand a little to fast and start to fall again but his strong arms wrap around me. Wow, he's fit! No, don't fall for his charms, Janie!

"Apparently you do need my help!" He chuckles and lets me go. Uhg, he thinks he's so funny. Jerk.

"Do you need a ride?" One of the guys asks from behind him.

"No I don't, but thanks. I'll be on my way now." I was for surly late now and Peno wasn't coming.

"RUN!" The boys shout. Run? What in the hell should I run for? I guess I hesitated for to long because he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I was so stunned I couldn't think for a moment.

"What the hell?! Put me down! Kidnapper! Put me down!" I screeched and pounded on his back with my fists. He was running as if I didn't weigh anything. I craned my neck to see what we were running from. Maybe we're running from cops. What if they're criminals? Am I getting kidnapped by a criminal?! I see a pack of screaming girls. What the-?

"Wait! Lemme take my shoes off!" I yell to the guy carrying me. He pulls my heels off and holds them in his hand.

"Run into that ally, fast!" I point to a dark ally. This is the small space I use as a short cut to Caribou. He runs about halfway in before dropping me to the ground. He doubles over, clutching his sides and taking deep breaths.

"" He wheezes. All the other guys run in and pause when they see we've stopped. They start taking deep breaths.

"I have a place to hide out. It looks like you need one." I take my shoes back from him. He nods.

"I'm sorry, I don't know your name." I ask him quickly. I suddenly hear the pack of girls swarm around the ally.

"Liam. Lead the way." He points to the other side of the ally. I start sprinting in the direction of my apartment. I hear the boys running behind me. I take a left when I've reached the end of the ally. I sprint down two blocks and enter the large apartment building. I run into the elevator and hold it for them. They file in and take more deep breaths. I run track so I do this a lot. I push the very top button.

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