Chapter 2

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(A/N Hey, do you guys like the story? comment!)

Chappie 2

"His name's Hunter. He's the lowest level on the food chain you could get." I cuddled into Zayn's chest. The guys stared at me with round eyes.

"I was sad from my last break up with a guy named Stuart. He cheated on me with two girls, that I know of. But that's not the point. Hunter said he understood and that he would make me feel better. And I believed him!" I sobbed. Zayn pressed his lips atop my head. I can't believe I'm telling my deepest secrets to five guys I don't even know. I usually don't trust that easy. What I'm defiantly not telling them is that Hunter actually raped and abused me. Penelope and Sarah don't even know that. Nobody does.

"After he tricked me into believing him he slept with me and left. Never called, texted or returned any calls! He just dropped off the face of the earth. Until I walked in on him with my ex-best friend!" I sobbed harder. The guys gave me a few sad looks.

"God, I'm such a mess! Shit, I'm sorry for dumping this on you. I know guys don't like to talk about feelings and stuff-" I started. Zayn shushed me and pressed his lips against my temple. I hiccuped before I finally stopped sobbing.

"Let's talk about something else." Niall suggested. I shot him a grateful look. I guess they all were picking up on my sorrow. I nodded and sat in my own spot so I wasn't squishing Zayn anymore.

"What school do you go to?" Harry asks, rubbing my thigh. These guys are so sweet, they barley know me yet they've comforted me so much already.

"I go to a fashion university a couple blocks down." I smiled and wiped the remaining tears off my face.

"You're a fashion designer?" Zayn raised his eyebrows. I nod.

"Some of my stuff has been sold over the globe. They pay for our apartment, too." I smiled wider, suddenly feeling a whole hell of a lot better. Talking about fashion always made me feel better.

"That's so cool! Where has your stuff been sold?" Liam asks. They seem so interested, like he really cares. It makes me feel a lot better.

"You don't care. You're just trying to make me feel better." I look at the ground.

"No! Come on, tell us!" Louis poked my face. Creep! I poked him back. This caused an avalanche affect and we ended up in a full on poking war.

That's when someone tickled my side. No, not the tickling. It's my weakness. Hunter used it against me.

"Guys, no, I'm ticklish!" I protested.

"Obviously!" Zayn chuckled. They started to tickle me harder. I was beginning to have a panic attack. I was starting to get flash backs. They jabbed at my sides and squeezed my thighs. I gasped for air because I was laughing so hard. But behind the laughter was growing terror.

"Oh my God! Stop!" I giggled. Terror shot through me as the flash backs continued. I thrashed and gasped for air. I let out a blood curdling scream. The guys flinched away from me. I curled up into a ball and sobbed. I couldn't stop so Louis placed me on his lap. He rubbed my back, up and down, slowly and calmly. 

"What's the matter, love?" He asked me. I took a few calming breaths.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I wiped away tears, trying to collect myself but failing horribly.

"It's not nothing. I can see it in your eyes. Just tell us." Louis coaxed.

"I'm not telling this British boy band that I just met all of my secrets. You know enough about me." I drew in a shaky breath.

"We're family now. You can tell us anything." Harry cooed. I sighed and burried my face into Louis chest. I breathed in his intoxicating scent.

"Okay, I guess. I'm telling you a lot today." I said before starting. I told them about how Hunter used to try to have sex with me but I would refuse so he tickled me and then would rape me.

I looked up from the ground and expected them to look at me, completely disgusted. I expected them to call me a 'whore', 'slut', or 'skank' then get up and leave. Just like everyone else did. I met each and everyone of their gazes. They all looked shocked. Shit. Now they're going to yell at you. Tell you that you're to easy. I braced myself for the hate but all I got was an ass load of kisses and a bunch of hugs.

"You guys arn't discussed with me? Repulsed?" I am honestly surprised.

"We're repulsed by Hunter! That asshole!" Louis cursed. 

"You guys need to win medals or something for being so understanding." I hugged them all. My phone dinged from behind the couch. It was a text from Sarah:

Where the fuck were you today?! I heard you got hurt!! WTF happened? I'll be home in an hour wit Peno and coffee! xx Sar

I text her:

Let's have a girls day! Sleepover, movies, popcorn, ya kno? xoxoxoxoxoxo (extra love) Janie

She replied with:

KK, b ther in about two hours! ;) xx Sar

I smile and slip my phone in my sweat pants pocket.

"My roommate Sarah's going to be here with my friend Penelope in about two hours. We need to clean this place. It looks like a pig's sty" I announce. Then a genius idea pops in my brain.

"Guys! After we clean this place, we should hide you. Make you a surprise!" I clap. They look fine with that. He he he.

* * *

After the house was clean and the boys were hidden (in my walk in closet) I decided to watch some t.v. for the last fifteen minutes before Peno and Sar got home. I flipped channels for a while before I heard the door open.

"Honey I'm home!" I heard Peno yell. She took a seat next to me on the couch and Sarah followed, sitting on the other side of me.

"So what the hell happened today?" Peno asked me, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Nothing, just didn't feel to well." I lied and waved her off. They were content with that answer. We gathered in the kitchen to drink our coffee. We sat and talked for a while until our coffee was gone.

"Alright lets get this girl party started!" I cheer after we've all finished our coffee. We head up to my room to grab the usual sleepover stuff. Pillows, blankets, ect. 

"Where is that big duvet we used last time?" Sarah asks while rummaging around my room.

"Check in my closet." I answer nonchalantly. She opens the door to my closet and lets out a scream.

"Why is One Direction in your closet?!"

A/N Whadda think???? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2012 ⏰

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