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Hayne's best friend Kira calls  from the other room. The room is right next to hers but she can never get her lazy ass up and walk in here. Hayne sighs before pushing back the small stool in front of her vanity and fixing her towel before making her way over to Kira's room. She pushes  open the slightly cracked door and enter.

"Which one do you think looks better, the black or yellow one?" Kira asks holding up two dresses.

"The black because that yellow is way too bright to wear at night and I already told you to choose an outfit beforehand so we wouldn't be late." Hayne rants waving her hands in the air.

"Thanks and I already did I just wasn't sure."Kira replies with a teasing smile.

Hayne mumbles a whatever and saunters back to his room. She finished her hair and makeup then got dressed. A black strapless dress hugged her tall, slender frame and enhanced her curves.

Both her and Kira were attending her cousin Ahmad's birthday party and a little black dress couldn't be any more appropriate.

She also had a small clutch in her hand and made sure it had all the necessities a girl needed when going out.

It snapped shut when she was finished. She exited her bedroom and retreated to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

Upon entering the kitchen she saw her 'food loving' best friend stuffing her face with a donut.

"Let's go there's gonna be food at the party fat ass," she says laughing while Kira rolls her eyes.

They turn off all the lights and appliances then lock up.

"I'm driving because you're taking us back, a girl gonna get wasted tonight," Kira says while doing a 'dance'.

Hayne laughs but chose not to  because she already knew why she's planning to get drunk. She recently found out her boyfriend of three years is someone's baby daddy.


Hayne didn't say nothing though, because she had already told her to leave him from the first time he cheated.

She didn't trust guys because they fuck around behind your back then when you find out they try to play innocent, but to her that's total bullshit.

She rolls her eyes at the thought then makes her way over to her car.

They arrive at club Privilege at 10:28 pm. They walk up to the bouncer and state their names. He immediately let them in.

They go up the stairs to his VIP section that has his stage name Belly written over it. The girls spot him on a couch surrounded by some thirsty lookin females.

Kira wishes him a happy birthday then goes off to mingle.

But Hayne, on the other hand, pounces on him and attacks him with kisses and a big bear hug. "Happy Birthday Ahmad!" she yells loudly.

"Thanks sis but no need to be yelling out my government, "

She laughs lightly before handing him his gift, it was a rolex with his initials A.B engraved on the side.

He cheesed hard "Damn sis, damnnnnnnnn" He said

"Don't even sweat man, you know I gotchu." she smiles sincerely at him.

They continue to talk and catch up with each since th et hadn't seen each other in months. She hugged him again before wishing him a happy birthday again and walking off to get a drink.

Vibing to Drake's Find Your Love which was currently being played, she leans over the railing sipping on her recently ordered drink, while taking in the scenery of the club.

It was decorated nicely for tonight with almost everything sleek black. Balloons filled the place with the letters XO with a heart between them written in white, equivalent to the ones on the wall.

"I wonder what it stands for, " She mumbles.

"Ecstasy and Oxycodeine" a voice says from beside her.

She whips her head around and is met with a handsome face decorated with a small bunny nose and pink, succulent lips. She raises an eyebrow at him looking him up and down. He had on a black bomber jacket with black jeans, black timbs and a black shirt with XO written on it.

He catches her eyeing him and smirks. She plays it off with an eye roll and turn back around.

"No need to turn away ma, I know you like whatchu see," He says cockily, licking his lips.

She side eyed him then scoffed , chuckling to herself. She found him very attractive but she didn't want to feed, what seemed to be his already big ego.

"It's okay ma, I like what I see too," he says winking

Turning around fully, she spoke, "Firstly, stop calling me "ma" cause I'm not your mother, secondly,I certainly do not like what I see, and lastly you need to get your eye fixed because that wink was tragic!"

The smirk from his face disappeared and fell into a mug. She laughed loudly at his facial expression then brushed pass him.

She smirked to herself while she heard his boys laughing at him. She wished Ahmad happy birthday since it was after 12 then hugged him and told him she'd see him next week at dinner. She bid him farewell then went to find Kira.

She found her coming from the direction of the bathroom and told her that she was ready. Surprisingly she wasn't that drunk, tipsy and stumbling, yes, but not drunk.

Hayne checked the time on her phone, it was minutes to one. They made it to the car and she sped home.


Stepping out of the shower, Hayne wrapped a towel around her then stepped into her house slippers. She sat on a bench in the bathroom and dried her slender body. When she finished drying off she put the towel in its rightful place and entered her bedroom. The house was quieter than it usually is, mainly because her roommate/best friend was out of town for the weekend. Mary is a great person to be around but she tended to be more talkative than the average person.

Today is Sunday, and she's preparing to go to her parents house. This was a weekly routine for her, have Sunday dinner with family then take her younger sister along with her for ice cream.

Hayne adored her younger sister. She wasn't either the tattletale or bratty type, she was the type that would follow behind you and try to be like you. Hayne found that to be very cute and would always take her anywhere she went, they were like two peas in a pod.

After thoroughly drying herself off, she entered her bedroom and started getting ready. She pulled a little black dress over her head and smoothed it out when it was on completely. As for her face, she was not a fan of makeup so light foundation and lip balm would have to do.

Slipping on some strapped sandals, she was ready to go. Ensuring that every electronic was plugged out and the house was locked up, she sped off towards her parents' house in her 2014 Dodge Challenger.

Reaching in about an hour and a half due to the heavy New York traffic, she sighs as she shuts off the car and quickly dashes inside to avoid the raindrops that have started. Using her spare key for access to the house, she hangs her coat up and makes a beeline to the dining area where she knew that everyone was.

She scans the faces of everyone in attendance and her eyes open wide for a split second when she spots a totally unexpected guest. She  screams inwardly when she notices that the only available seat was beside her new found 'friend' from last week.

Who was grinning widely at her.

Heyy guys! Read and leave feedback please. Not edited as yet so excuse mistakes. It's 2:30am here in Jamaica so im going to sleep lol .


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