The Calm Night.

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The sun was a fading blush on the sky when you slipped out into the quiet of Vale. The city, usually a bustling beast, was now a soft purr. Cobblestones whispered under your feet, a comforting rhythm in the stillness. Your headphones hummed with a private melody, a world of sound shielding you from the deepening twilight.

The lamplight painted your face in soft gold, highlighting the youth in your eyes. You were a shadow, elongated and mysterious in the dimming light. A gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of night-blooming flowers, and for a moment, you stood still, letting the magic of the evening seep into you.

Then you spotted it. A tiny shop, tucked away like a secret. Its sign, "From Dust Till Dawns," was etched with an old-world charm. You pulled out your device, the screen glowing like a beacon in the gathering darkness. The picture matched perfectly - this was the place. A thrill of anticipation mixed with a sprinkle of doubt. You hesitated, your finger hovering over the shop's door. Inside, maybe, were answers. Or more questions. "These names get cheesier and cheesier...but it's not like I have a choice. Most of the shops are already closed."

Stepping into the shop, the quaint chime of the bell above the door announces his arrival. The soft echo of the bell lingers in the air, mingling with the faint scent of old books and dust. Your eyes take in the surroundings, the shelves lined with an array of items, each with its own story to tell. Your gaze is drawn to the counter, where an elderly man stands. The lines on his face speak of years gone by. The man, presumably the shopkeeper, greets you with a friendly wave, his smile as welcoming as the cozy interior of the shop. 

 With a sense of curiosity, you begin to navigate your way through the maze of shelves towards the counter. Each step brings you closer to the heart of the shop. As you near the counter, you slip off your headphones, the music fading away to be replaced by the comforting hum of the shop. You let the headphones rest around your neck, a silent symbol of his transition from the outside world into the welcoming embrace of the shop. You pull out your Scroll and show the shopkeeper an image of a Dust Crystal. "Do you have one of these?" you ask. The shopkeeper takes a closer look at the image and nods his head. "Yeah, we do. Just give me a few seconds to get it." he says merrily.

With a nod, the shopkeeper retreated into the depths of the store, disappearing amidst the labyrinth of shelves to fetch the requested item. Left alone, your attention wandered, and your gaze settled on a figure nestled in the book section.

A girl stood there, her short black hair catching your eye. The tips of her hair were tinged with a vibrant shade of red, a stark contrast against the monochrome backdrop of the books. Cloaked in a red hood, she was a striking figure amidst the muted colors of the shop. Her headphones were on, the soft hum of music barely audible in the quiet store. She seemed lost in her own world, oblivious to the presence of another customer.

Your focus snapped back as the shopkeeper reappeared, cradling a small crystal in his hands. He placed it on the counter with a soft clink, the sound echoing in the hushed store. The sight of the crystal brought you back to the present, your attention returning to the task at hand. "You're in luck, kid. This is our last one." the shopkeeper says. You raised an eyebrow at this statement. "Is that so?" you ask

The shopkeeper sadly nods his head. "Yes. You see, my Dust supplies have been getting really low these past few weeks. And it's not just my shop that's been affected by it. Logistics and supplies have sometimes goes missing and no one seems to know the cause!" he expresses his distress. 

"That's too bad. Then you were right about me being in luck for getting one of these before you run out again. Here, a bit for your troubles." With a sense of urgency, you handed over the payment for the Dust to the shopkeeper. Once the transaction was complete, the shopkeeper meticulously secured the precious crystal in a specialized container—a precautionary measure to prevent any potential explosions.

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