Chapter 8

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---Scotty's POV---

My tail twitched as I sniffed the edges of the couch, whiskers brushing the soft fabric as the human side of my mind was pushed back. Ever since Ezra brought me back to his place and the cat figured out it could walk, it had been slowly exploring every nook and cranny of the house.

Of course, I was closely followed by both Ezra and Jeremy, both complete opposites in their appraisal. While Ezra simply stood in a far corner, hands shoved in his pockets as he watched me explore in silence, Jeremy was rolling on the ball of his feet, bouncing his weight around as he followed me to the point of crawling behind the couches and shifting in his animal.

His jumpy, almost fluid movements were distracting, up to the point where I've been tempted to chase the small stout around. The feline's instincts were pressing against my mind, urging me to follow and catch this little creature.

Instead I had pushed the cat's intense focus on the new scents it could detect, small spaces to crawl under and high shelves to jump on. It especially liked one of the bookcases which seemed to bathe in sunlight by noon.

A perfect spot for a catnap...

Something bumped against my chin, small claws patting against my nose before I shook my head and halfheartedly bobbed the persistent stout on its head. Jeremy shook his head and sneezed, dropping back on his haunches before pawing at his nose.

It didn't really deter him much; before I could even blink, I had to stumble back as he ran underneath me, chirping slightly while he bolted to Ezra and pawed at his jeans.

The man simply raised an eyebrow at the stout before shaking his head. "No Jeremy, he gave you plenty of warning and you refused to listen. Be glad he hasn't used his claws."

Jeremy pouted, as well as a stout could possibly pout, before he hopped back towards me. I simply hopped onto a closet, flicking my tail slightly at the little creature.

"Alright, that's enough of your teasing Jeremy. Leave him be, its obviously that Scotty's patience is wearing thin." The boy shifted back, obviously pouting now as he went about getting dressed.

When he was finished, he crossed his arms and plopped down on the floor, pouting as he muttered to himself he only wanted to play. At the moment I didn't care, simply stretching out and slightly clawing at the wooden surface underneath me.

I meowed in surprise when I was lifted up, Ezra's eyes amused as he drew me against his chest. Before I could make a sound of protest, his hand petted through my fur and over my head, rubbing over my ear in a way that made me purr happily.

He chuckled, carrying me off towards the living room and closing the doors behind him before he and Jeremy made themselves comfortable on the couch. I was happy to remain in Ezra's lap, as long as he kept up the petting!

This is the life...

My paws started kneading on their own, claws flexing alternatively and most likely piercing through Ezra's jeans. If he felt it, he didn't complain and instead smiled warmly as his fingers tangled through my fur.

"I still wonder how you got here, little one. If you could talk, you'd have some interesting stories to tell." When he paused his petting, I bunted my head against his hand, letting out a little mewl that encouraged him to keep going.

A few minutes later, they were watching a movie, while I was a drooling, purring mess. Even Jeremy joined in on the petting and I let him, flexing and stretching over both their laps until I simply slid into Jeremy's and passed out from the delightful sensations going through my body.

By the time I was aware enough to move, it was because I was gently being lifted up off of a sleeping Jeremy. I blinked and yawned, stretching out while Ezra lifted the boy in his arms. When he turned to most likely put the boy in his bed, I followed, tail perking up in the air as I trailed behind them.

Ezra looked down as I meowed tiredly, eyes softening as he laid Jeremy down in his bed and watched as I tiredly hopped on top of the boy's covers, curling up not too far from his pillow.

I barely felt the hand rubbing gently over my head or the whispered, "Good boy." that Ezra murmured before he flicked on a small night light and left the room. Even Jeremy seemed to sense me in his sleep, as I could feel myself getting tucked closer sometime during the night.

Come morning, I woke before Jeremy, stretching and yawning as I remained on top of the sleeping boy. I purred deeply and gently tapped a paw on his face when he snored, twitching my whiskers when he huffed and scratched at his nose with a frown.

Deciding against waking the boy, I stretched again and hopped off the bed, grateful that Ezra had left the door on a crack last night. I wandered through the quiet house, ears twitching at the smallest sound before I found myself in front of one of the large windows.

The curtain tickled over my back as I ducked underneath it, eyes blinking and pupils dilating to take in the unknown world out there. With every small movement outside, the feline instincts in me were gearing up, ready to chase the robin that had the guts to land right on the porch, or the little squirrel that jumped from branch to branch.

My tail flicked in interest as I saw one of the birds hop on the fencing before taking off through the forest. I heard a few sounds behind me and didn't pay much attention to them, though my ears did swivel around when they picked up Ezra's chuckle behind me.

"Morning Scottie." He yawned while opening the fridge, looking up just when I ducked back out from the curtain and meowed back at him. For some reason, my feline felt the urge to blink slowly and Ezra seemed rather surprised by the gesture before his expression softened, blinking back just as slowly.

It made me purr for some reason as I jumped off the window sill and walked up to him, tail stretching in the air and meowing in surprise as he picked me up. "You're such a cuddle bug, aren't you?" He asked rhetorically while scratching my throat, one big hand cupping around my ear until I was a big purring mess.

"I swear, sometimes I can hear you in my head. I'm just wondering if that truly is you or if I'm just going insane." Ezra murmured as I stretched out under his hands. "Well, it would be nice if we could actually communicate, since I can't speak and you don't understand meowlish..."

He tilted his head for a moment as if in deep thought but looked up when Jeremy walked in the room and grinned. "Morning bud." Jeremy yawned, rubbing through his eyes as his hair spiked all over the place, muttering a tired "Morning..."

Ezra put me back down to continue breakfast, so after bumping in the kid's legs as a silent hello, I walked around and sniffed at the furniture before hopping ontop the counter tops.

A low sound of annoyance filled the air as I sniffed at a folded paper, the inner cat drawn to it for some reason. When Jeremy came over and curiously grabbed it, folding it open, I hissed sharply at the drawing that was a perfect copy of the one Azazel carved in my very skin.

You are mine Scotty.

I hissed again, tail flicking through the air and back curving angrily as Ezra's head snapped up to look at me. "Azazel?" He murmured, shaking his head slightly as he frowned. "Did I hear..."

He left the stove and quickly went to the wall phone while I pawed the drawing away from me, hissing once more before jumping off the counters to go hide underneath the furniture. If they had a copy of that drawing, they might be in cahoots with Azazel, and I wasn't going to take that risk.

For now on, it was best if I didn't trust anyone. My instincts were on full alert and warning me that something bad was going to happen. I just didn't know what that was going to be.

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