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Q. Emily, how did you feel keeping a huge secret from Harry?

A. Emily's POV I know it was horrible of me to keep it from him and i was upset that i felt that i couldn't tell him but how do you tell your best friend the one who helped you through everything that your going to die.

Q. Louis. why were you so demanding when telling Emily that she HAD to tell Haz or you would? Were you annoyed that she hadn't said anything yet?

A. Louis POV I wasn't annoyed it was just i care about Emily and i know she needs Harry through a time like this and i knew if she didn't tell him sooner or later he would think something was wrong and distance himself from her which would only make her worse.

Q. Sarah, how do you feel knowing that your best friend might die?

A. Sarah's POV When i found out that Emily was ill i was upset but it wasn't that bad at first as it wasn't predicted to be terminal, i went to all her appointments with her and she did improve for a while and then suddenly she deteriated and was told it could possibly be terminal, i cried for hours which is how Louis found out. It just won't be the same without her.

Q. Harry, how do you think you and the others will cope if Emily dies?

A. Harry's POV You know how if you rip someones heart out they would die and not be able to go on it would be like that for me i just feel like she's my rock i love her and im not sure how i would cope without her as for Louis and Sarah i feel that they will grieve for pretty much the rest of their lives over her but i know this sounds bad but they have each other.

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