Aaliyah is a 17 year old junior that live her mom and work as a counselor at her mom company and she have 3 amazing besties and she goes to Lake View High School and they just came back from spring break and they got a new creative writing teacher n...
A/N: It's been 3 months since school was over but now that they back school for there last year let's catch up on what some of these girls and guys did. August and Aaliyah mom was talking over the summer and Aaliyah mom let August to know that he had a and 18 year old daughter and August was shock but he wanted to know when can he met her Aaliyah mom said today after she comes home from school.
Aaliyah Pov I woke from my alarm going off so I got up went the bathroom and start taking a shower when I was done went and got ready and put on her light blue jeans pants then put on her crop top cry baby t-shirt and her white Jordan retros 12. And head downstairs to see that breakfast was cook and a note saying that later today someone will be coming over after finishing up eat and reading the note she left got into her car and head to school.
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At School McKenzie: Heyguysy'alllookingcuteforthefirstdaybackanywaystellMcKenziehowy'allsummerwent. Tamia: WelloverthesummersincemyparentsalwaysoutoftownChristookmetoNewYorkandweshopwentondatesandIapplied to NYU. AfterthatmeandChrisgrownreallyclosehelethisfanstoknowamhisgirlfriendandeverythingsothatwasmysummerhowaboutyouMitchell.? Mitchell: AftermeandDanielwentaredatebeforeschoolenditwasamazingandfunheaskmetobehisgirlfriendandwebeentakingthingsslowandtookmetooneofhisfamilybeachhouseforthesummerandhealsogotarecorddealforrapping. Iamsoproudofhimandthat'smysummerhowaboutyouAaliyah.? Aaliyah: AftermeandTreybeingfriendsforayearhetookmeonadateandafteraredateheaskmetobehisgirlfriendandbeenboyfriendandgirlfriendfor 2 monthsnowandveryhappy with himinmylifeIalsowenttoLAtoseesomecollegesandfoundoneit'snameofthecollegeIappliedtois UCLA can't waittogetinplusTreyisnowasingerhegotarecordlabeloverthesummerbutsincehedroppinghissonghehasn'tlethisfansknowheinarelationshipyetbuthowaboutyouMcKenzie. McKenzie: WellmeTrevorjusthangoutandwentthiscompanythatTrevorwasgettingsigntoafterweleftTrevorwassignandnowhemakingmusichealsothecompanytoknowthatheisinrelationshipandamhappyforhimandhestillgoingtocollegewebothstilllookingbutthatwasaresummer.