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                                                                                  ~2 Years Ago~

As I was walking home from work early Thursday morning. ' why early in the morning you ask? It's because my job is a track work rider, I exercise race horses and it's my dream to become a real jokey and race.' I looked up into the sky and watched some dark clouds roll in as a warning that it was going to storm soon.

'Aish, I really should of brought my umbrella with me today' I think to myself as I angrily keep staring up at the ever darkening sky.

I start to quicken my pace as I surely don't want to be caught out in the rain without an umbrella, I'm not too fond of getting drenched. Looking down at my phone as I walk to keep myself occupied on the walk home, as it's a fair walk as I hate public transport sand try to avoid it like the plague. 

I abruptly stop as I hear the familiar sounds of the beeping noise the traffic lights make, I look up to check and see that I had just missed the 'walk' sign and now have to wait as traffic flows past for the next signal.

I watch as I see a man brush past me his face covered by a mask and the brim of his hat lowered down making it impossible to see any of his face, he keeps walking ahead completely ignoring everything around him as he has earphones in and  his eyes glued down to his phone. Panic starts to rise from inside me as I watch him walk unknowingly into the steady flow of traffic, I look to my right and see that a black car heading straight for him.

All of a sudden my body moves all on its own accord as I run out as fast as possible and push the unknown man as hard as I could out of the way, but, I wasn't fast enough as I feel the car smash right into my right leg and I am thrown to the ground with a loud thud. All I hear is the faint sounds of the ambulance sirens as I start to fall unconscious.

                                                                               ~2 Days later~

*Beep, beep, beep* I slowly open my eyes as I am blinded by very very bright lights blaring down from the ceiling above, I squint as my vision starts to adjust to the light and I take in my surroundings.

'Where am I?' 

"Oh, your awake?" A lady asks as she walks into the room, I just blankly stare at her in confusion.

"Where am I?" 

"You are in XXX hospital, you were in a car accident 2 days ago and suffered injuries to your head with a slight concussion but your right leg suffered the most damage and I'm afraid you won't be able to use it completely like you used to, you will be able to walk but it won't handle any strenuous work or exercise any more."

I cautiously look down at my leg and push the covers back revealing my right thigh completely covered in bandages, I reach down with my hand to touch it and  i recoil my hand as I wince as shooting pain shoots up my leg from the touch. I continue to stare down at my leg as I let my tears quietly fall down  my cheeks and drip onto the bandage.

                                                                          ~End of prologue~

Annyeong to anyone willing to read this story lol I thank you in advance lol

Also can anyone guess who the man in the face mask and hat is? ;)

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