Throwing light bulbs at people who need to lighten the hell up.

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I've always known she held herself like a warrior. Eyes alert and fixed on every movement in the room. Wary of sudden touches and almost aggressive when you surprised her.

I've also always known that no matter how deep in her inner circle you thought yourself to be, you never knew everything.

These two facts, together with the sheer absurdity of what had happened shortly before this shocking revelation made that I didn't faint when she turned out to be the exact warrior I'd fantasized her to be.

Her hair was slightly lighter and her face harder and scarred. The thin white stripes that were scattered along her jawline and cheekbones gave her a rough and dangerous look. Definitely no unattractive. Her body was toned and her arms and legs showed the cables running trough them. She turned to face me to help me back up and I saw that apart from those little details she still looked like herself, well, a warrior version of herself.

I think I'm getting ahead of myself, maybe I should backtrack just a little to, ya know, give you more of an in crowd-feel.  I mean, you must feel so left in the dark right now. The safest start would be about a year ago when I first met this warrior princess, who I didn't know was a warrior princess of course, but I have the tendency to ramble as you may have noticed and I think sweet and short is the way to go. So... second safest start would be about 2 weeks back I suppose. That's when we found out the Dark Handsome Prince was coming, who we didn't know was a Dark Handsome Prince back then of course.

All we knew two weeks ago was that we'd be getting a new classmate, which was new and exciting enough for our sleepy little town, nothing ever happens here okay? It's as middle of nowhere as it gets in this cramped up country and well yeh, nothing ever happens. I mean the biggest drama of the year was when someone supposedly stole supplies from the hairdresser but it was actually her old-as-the-earth grandma who'd misplaced and forgotten about them. That's how much middle of nowhere, but I'm drifting of again.

Like I said, new and exciting. Actually in such an extent that once the name was finally given out (after hours of prying and begging), it took the Girls exactly 5 minutes to find almost everything there was to find about this person. The Girls? Oh yeh well, in my experience every school/year/class has this group so I assumed it kinda given, but I shall elaborate for those who've never encountered this clique. The Girls is this group of girls, and the occasional femme gay guy, that seems to be busy with everything but school and still manage to pass each year. Everything but school mostly consists of looks, parties and romance and whether they're nice or not, they always seem to look down on those who do openly associate with homework and notes.

Back to the Prince. Once they got the name out of the sweet chain-smoking lady that reigns over the administration and thoroughly stalked him, we knew this: Kylo Ren was coming...

Kidding, just kidding sorry. No this assyasshat came from Norway or some other Scandinavian country that only produces tall, blonde, muscular gods like him. Mal Gustavson, because could he be more foreign? The Girls found picture after picture until every girl was in love with him and every boy was jealous of him, vice versa with the queerbears of course. Not my warrior princess though, she didn't fawn over him nor showed any sign of jealousy. She didn't even seem to care we were expecting a Norse god. All through the week I tried getting a reaction out of her, she didn't budge. My suspicion that she in fact didn't like that he was coming, was fueled by the look in her eyes when someone brought it up. First she'd only rolled her eyes but as it happened more and more it turned into a look of disgust and eventually plain anger. When I confronted her about this she only sighed. Screaming out in frustration I yelled that they must've had a bad break-up or something. All she gave me was a snort.

Turns out I wasn't even that wrong!

Getting ahead of myself again.

Days passed and instead of dying down, the fuss only got bigger and bigger. As did my curiosity about the link between the Norse god and my princess. So on the final day before his arrival I'd had enough and took her aside in the hallway.

"Could you finally tell me what's up your fine butt?"

"How do you mean what's up my butt?"

"You know damn well what I mean."

She sighed once more. "Cas, for heavens sake, there's nothing up my butt. You can check if you like." She winked and walked away, leaving me behind.

"There's something between you and that Mal and I will figure it out." I yelled at her swaying blonde ponytail and her fine butt that had nothing up it.

She waved at me without turning around and I stared at her, shaking my head lightly.

Damned closed off annoying blonde tall gorgeous... Yeah, I'm drifting off again.

So she wouldn't tell me, I'd been on her back all week and normally that was enough to make her tell me stuff eventually. It didn't matter, tomorrow he'd arrive and then I'd see her reaction for real. I'd see his reaction as well, maybe I could even ask him if they knew each other!

I could be possible, all the Girls could find on him was that he's been born and raised in Norway. Maybe my pretty warrior had lived there as well?

Maybe I should tell you a little on her history after all. My warrior princess, whose name I'd promised not to disclose, had moved around quite a lot before coming to our humble little town. As far as she's told me she originates from the Netherlands but didn't live there very long. From there she and her mom moved to Scotland then Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Australia, Japan, Canada, back to the Netherlands and then here. A location I was also asked to keep quiet, for safety reasons ya know.

Other things you should know about her? She's tall, blonde and stunning. She doesn't talk very much but everyone seems to like her, her presence has a calming effect. A bit like the sun reappearing from behind a cloud.  She has a low voice and I once heard her sing in herself, though she stopped as soon as she saw me. Another thing is that she's absurdly well-trained for someone who lives in a sleepy town like this. I mean you should see her thighs, she could crush someones head between them. I'm kidding, I think. We looked a bit weird at her a year ago, when she first started to go for runs in the woods. We're used to it now and she still does that every morning. I once asked her why, all I got was a shrug and the explanation she picked it up between all the moving. Every country has woods you can run in, she said.

Maybe you noticed but I have a small, except it's not so small, crush on her. I probably don't stand a chance but I guess you never know. The Girls once tried to interrogate her about her love life, it was an interesting thing to watch. The girl who didn't do personal vs. the Girls who always got what they wanted. You can guess who won. All we know to this day is that she hasn't dated much due to the brief periods of staying somewhere and that she "doesn't care about gender as long as they're hot and nice".

Which brings me back to the break-up possibility, she could've totally dated him. He looks like he fits the description "hot and nice". I push a flash of jealousy down as I keep pondering over all the reasons she could be behaving this way. 

The rest of the day is kind of a blur and you probably want me to stop sounding like some infatuated puppy so let's skip to the day of arrival.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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