1st Chapter

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"- Fucking hell Yuta why didn't you go buy it yourself I don't even know the city nor the book, I'm gonna get lost" a young pretty good looking boy, tall with broad shoulders cursed in the damp street of the small city of Gyeryong
"- Oooh Jaehyunnie good friends help each others. The said Yuta answered with a cheerful voice
- Ugh seriously Yu how can you do this do me ?? It's like 10:30 PM who the fuck stay at work this late ?
- Ten does sweetheart so when you go inside instead of searching the book alone like the dumbass you are you ask him and tell him it's for Yuta he knows it anyway I gotta go bye." That's the last thing his friend said before hanged up. Well fuck you too Yuta, Jaehyun thought
   He walked a few minutes before finding the small and only library of the whole town, he entered slowly. The room was pretty dark but was illuminated by fairy lights, the shelves were extremely high and the books looked messily put on. Jaehyun searched for someone but nobody seemed here When suddenly some lights were turned off
"- What's the fuck is someone here ? Or am I gonna die ? He asked a little bit panicked
- Yes someone replied with an ounce of amusement."
Jaehyun walked toward the voice and found a boy who didn't seemed much older than him even younger maybe he wore big round glasses which complimented his big dark eyes
"- You want something he questionned while rearranged his glasses on his small nose
- Heu yes my friend Yuta asked me to search this book for him
- Ah yes Nakamoto Yuta ! I prepared it for him wait for me ." He came back 2 minutes later with an old big ladder which didn't seemed were strong
- You should be careful, it's gonna break said Jaehyun a little worried
- Ahaha I know I have to loose weight but still he laughed as he climbed up, he seemed pretty at ease on it he even bounced a little on it to reach the book
"- And there it is he said while extending his arm you need something else ?
- Nope but dint I need to pay or register or something ? He asked while watching him collecting his belongings
- Aye non why would you need to do that ?
- You're not afraid that someone is gonna keep them without paying for something ?
- People aren't like this here...you aren't native right ? He interrogated while going to the door
- No absolutely not, it's been 2 weeks and we'll.....everything is so different here the last part of his sentence was whispered and muffled by the sound of the rain and thunderstorms rumbled as Ten opened the door 
- where you from ? You seem to miss it a lot
- The US, L.A more precisely he responded while throwing a look at the smaller who opened his umbrella and began to walk 
- Wouah how was it there ? You don't seem very pleased here...
- It's not that everything is cuter and " tumblrish " here but the fact that everyone know and love everyone is a little bit suffocating for me. L.A. is big enormous even it feels good I feel free, and the weather is way nicer he breathed out while letting his hand wandered outside the dry space of the umbrella
- Aaah I see. I always wanted to go to the US everything is big whatever is food or places I let a moment of silence happened before adding but I love this climate, I love rain and coldness
- Really ? How ? Don't you dream of big sun high in sky, hot days at the beach ?
- I was born in Thailand and the hot season didn't left me good memories he laughed slightly
- Oh so that's where your accent come from he said surprised
- Yes Ten laughed softly  Uhm we're walking but I have no idea where you live
- I'm studying at the University and I live in the campus
- Nice Ten smiled 
They walked a few minutes before coming closer to the building
- Just one last question
- Yes asked Ten as he faced him
- I-  He began to realized how beautiful Ten was his big eyes sparkled, his lips were plumb and pink, his face was framed by his back hair. He was say smaller than him, he was delicate and almost breakable he touched too hard
- Jaehyun ? Asked Ten inclining slightly his head
- Uh yeah...I forget he admitted embarrassed
- Oh my God Jaehyun Ten laughed I give my phone number and you text me when you remember
- Yes I will
They exchanged their numbers and a few shy glances before Jaehyun entered the building with a smile
   Jaehyun sat next to Yuta on the couch without any sounds
Don't seat you wet ass on my couch Jaehyun he said without looking at him after a few minutes without Jaehyun moving Yuta screamed  JAEHYUN GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND GIVE THE BOOK
He got up and took a shower after that he sat on his bed and decided to text Ten
You don't eat ? Yuta asked
No not hungry
- Okay good night 
He waited a few minutes and he heard his phone buzzing

I forget he admitted embarrassed - Oh my God Jaehyun Ten laughed I give my phone number and you text me when you remember - Yes I will They exchanged their numbers and a few shy glances before Jaehyun entered the building with a smile   Jaehyun sa...

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He smiled

Guys as I'm writing it's raining like crazy and met me tell you to I'm so happy about it
If you liked it please leave a comment and talk to me 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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