Chapter 3

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I must have fallen asleep because suddenly we had landed and everyone was getting up.
I got up, stretched, grabbed my things and began getting off like everyone else.
Now here was a slight hard part, I had to find grandpa- Whoopie!
I sat on a bench and waited and looked around.
He'll come to me, I thought, He'll probably call my name and be the loudest here and I'll maybe find him that way.

Suddenly there was a firm hand on my shoulder.
"Hey!" I said, turning around and knocking the hand off.
"That's no way to treat your great-grandfather!" Boomed grandpa.
I sighed. Oh darn, he found me.
 "How was the flight, kiddo?" He asked, yelling it slightly as we walked outside to leave.
"Erm... Fine." I lied. I hated it.
"Great! How about some icecream then!" He smiled.
He's extremely happy...
 "You want something from me- don't you?" I said bluntly.
 He stopped, stared at me for a while and then burst out laughing, "Oh Makoto! You're sharp as a tack! Ho ho ho! How did you know?!"
"Magic.." I grumbled sarcastically.
The cruel remark didn't faze his smiley armor for he continued to beam.
"Anyway! I know a great place to take you! Come come! To the car!" He almost began to run.
It's so awkeard when old people run...
I sighed and steadily followed, carrying all my bags by myself. Loaded them in the trunk and got in the passanger's seat.
~~ 45 minutes later~~

"WE'RE HERE!!!!" Screamed, Rex, my grandfather.
I jumped and snapped open my eyes. Most have been dozing again, surprised he didn't notice or he must of not cared.
I got out of the car and stared up at the big sign that I supposed meant "Ice cream"
I looked at my fluent English speaking grandpa.
"Don't worry, I won't make you go in" he signed, "I know what you like. Wait here- I'm friends with the shop owner. He's got a hot daughter!" He laughed and went in.
I rolled my eyes.
I don't care. Girls are such a hassal anyway...
I sat against the building. I looked like a hobo or a stupid teen- probably looked emo too.
I snuck glances of the Americans that walked by and listened to the foreign talk.
I didn't recognize many words. I just hoped no one would want to speak to me.
I waited for my grandfather impatiently- tap tap tap, on my shoulder.
I looked up to see almost a second smaller sun near my face.
It was a tall and slightly muscular boy with red hair everywhere, deep blue eyes and a overly friendly smile.
He's gonna want to speak to me and I can't understand him! Crap! Do something, Makoto!
I waved my arms and shook my head quickly, telling him no.
He tilted his head and started to say something. I shook my head against and embarrassedly said;
"N-No Engrish!"
The boy chuckled and started to speak Chinese. Another head shake.
he frowned then took a deep breath and spoke in my tongue: "Is this better?" He asked.
His Japanese was fuzzy but understandable.
"Oh, yes! Abso-" I cleared my throat and calmed myself. "Yeah, it is."
"Good! Well, I'm Kukai- My American friends call me, Kyle." He said, rubbing his head and sitting next to me.
I scooted away, "That's lovely." I said emotionlessly.
"What about you?" He smiled, "Your name?"
I noticed he had a nice smile, his teeth were quite white and I could smell hamburgers from my seat.
Hey! Stupid! Tell him your name!
I panicked and felt red. "It-It's, Sakagami Makoto."
"Cute" He chuckled.
He thinks I'm cute..! ...HE THINKS I'M CUTE?! I'M NOT CUTE!
"Yeah... Whatever" I said, as a conversation ender.
A few minutes and then; "Makoto-san, do you have a cell phone?"
"C-Cell phone?" I said and turned slowly at him.
He smiled, "I want to talk to you more. You look like you need a friend and America is very big and scary- I can tell you just arrived."
A bit creeped out, I didn't know what to say. I gave it to him.
"HEY MAKOTO! YOU ALREADY FINDING MATES!" Laughed my grandpa who came out with icecream.
Bad timing.
"WHAT?! NO! SHUT UP, OLD MAN!" I flustered.
"You're gay?" Said the voice next to me.
"NO!!" I said and stood up.
"Uh.. I guess I'll go then. Bye Makoto! I'll call you!" He turned away and ran.
Grandpa snickered and handed me my icecream.
I smeared it all in his face.

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