Chapter 1

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Hi,my name is Allison Baker my friend's
Call me"Ali"and i'm gonna tell you about most of my life.My dad had someone build a house for us in Miami,Florida.Right now I live in Alaska. 

I really want to stay in Alaska because of my friends. My best friend Anna had moved to North Carolina a year ago I miss her so much we have been talking on the phone but its
still not the same I just really want to hug her.I am 13 years old and its sad without your best friend near you."Ya know?"
I still haven't found a boy that I like yet, no one in my school now is cute or ya know not so weird
"Am I right or am I right"Im actually excited for a new school it means there might actually be a really cute boy "yay!".

So my dad made it official we are officially moving to Miami,Florida he said that I am going to Johnson Middle.I want to make new friends so bad, but I don't like leaving my friend's behind but at least I can stay in touch with them.I'm packing up my room with some help from my friend Grayson.I grabbed some boxes for my stuff and I started to put my little stuff in one box, fragile things in another box and all my clothes and shoes in my last three boxes I had.I helped my mom with the kitchen and I also helped my brothers Derik and Jacob pack up there room so we could leave early the next day. We got all packed up an put it all in a truck I had all my friends come over and I said "Bye" to them while crying,it was a very emotional day once we said our goodbyes,we were off.

Ok,we were in the car Jacob was
Watching movies while Derik was coloring in his
coloring book quietly,while I was texting my friend's from Alaska.My dad told me we would be there in three days.Im here bored as heck with nothing to do so I fell asleep.(Going to the day we get there)Once we had got to the new house I brought all my boxes in my parents told me to pick a room, besides the master bedroom.I was looking around,and I found a room with a bay window and a bathroom so my dad put my bed in my room and he told me to put it where I wanted it to be put.Once I did that I grabbed all my other huge stuff out of the truck and brought it into my room and placed everything where I wanted them to be then I grabbed my smaller things and put them away in my shelfs and some in the closet.After that I grabbed my clothes and shoes box and put my shoes on my rack and I put my clothes on hanger's and put my other stuff in my dresser like my shorts,underwear,pj's,and other comfortable shirts.

I got all settled in and I saw these kid's playing outside in the field I asked my mom if I can go outside.And I see 3 girls my age and 2 really cute boys that looked my age.I went up to them and said "Hi"they asked me are you new here I said "Yea I just moved here from Alaska"one of the cute boys said "Wow Ive been wanting to visit there."I responded, "Yea its pretty and cold."and then I giggled he told me I have a cute laugh I said "thank you"he said, "Your welcome"I asked him what his name was? he said to me "Oh I'm Hayden, whats your name?" "I'm Allison but you can call me Ali though."Hayden said back, "Oh ok, Ali what is your favorite sport?"I said back "My favorite sport hmm....I think I would say basketball." "Nice I like basketball too I play it everyday"said Hayden. (Mom yells "Ali")"Well I got to go we are going out to eat tonight bye Hayden." He of course said bye back.

  I started to kinda like him he is really cute and definitely not a jerk.I didn't want to say bye because I wanted to keep talking to him he is really nice.All the other kids were very quiet which is normally not normal especially not for kid's.Anyways my mom took us out to eat and I had got barbecue ribs with mac and cheese it was really good.My mom told me while we were eating that we are not starting school automatically yet,she said that next week we are going to school.Im really excited for a new school, I mean who isn't? When I got home I found a letter stuck in my window it said "To Allison" I opened it up and it was from Hayden I got so happy it said inside
"Dear, Allison"
"Right now I know you Just moved in, but you seem really nice and really pretty I was wondering if you wanted to be my friend because I need new friends all my friends can be jerks cause right now I need someone to talk to and hangout with when I'm upset or bored.So I guess talk to you later bye."
  "You friend,Hayden"
            I really liked that letter because it was from a boy that I kinda like and because it was from an actual boy even crazier.

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