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"Your not that good at hiding secrets besides, my dad trained me to be the best of the best, remember?" I answered. "The question is, what's going to happen now."

Taehyung's POV

"GUYS!!!!" I screamed as I entered the apartment.
"OMG! What! I'm trying to sleep!" Yoongi yelled as he trundled down the stairs holding his pillow.
"Y/N knows." I yelled to answer their low grumbles they were making from their rooms. With hearing my news, they all ran down the stairs.
"What! How?" Namjoon asked. Before I could answer,
"It might have been Jungkook trying and failing to beat her up." Hoseok jumped in and added.

"It wasn't that." I said,
"But it didn't help did it?" Hoseok said, anger was evident in his voice.
"She knew before that!" I screamed, they all looked at me with a 'what?' face.
"She knew someone was coming for her, and she also said something about meeting in a clearing in the woods." I added.
"Wait, she was there?" Jimin asked,
"Yeah, she was trained to be the best." Namjoon quickly added.
"Well what will we do?" Yoongi asked with a husky 'I just woke up' voice.
"That's simple, we ..."

End of Taehyung's POV

I was just on my way to the cafe to get a hot chocolate when I bumped into Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. I acted like I normally would, I completely blanked them. Hahaha, you should have seen their faces, the shock from seeing me, the anger of me ignoring their presents and the slight smirk Taehyung was giving me. It was at that moment I realised what he has done. He's told them, shoot!

I hot footed it to the cafe and entered without hesitation. I sat at a table next to the window and waited for my friend to come. Moment later, in she came.
"Hey boo." I looked to see her, towering over me.
"Sit down Jennie, we don't have time to fool around." I replied. Jennie, a former boss of the gang 'Underworld'. Underworld is well known around the globe, a lot like the Mafia my father one. Jennie treats me as a sister, but their are limits to her love.
"So, what's happened?" She asked me looking worried.
"My dad has hired a group of 7 boys to bring me back to him, they now know I know." I said, she looked at me with a scowl.
"7 boys? Girl, he needs to bring the whole fricking Mafia with him. You ain't going anywhere, alright?" She says in a cocky tone.
"Jennie, they've got closer to me than any of the others! They are different, I can feel it!" I replied.

After an hour, we left and went our own ways. I was walking home when I felt someone following me, I kept looking around but no one was there. Something was off, I could feel it. I just brushed it off and kept walking.

Suddenly, a hand covered my mouth and a hand slithered round my waist. I screamed but the guy was too strong, then everything went black.

A/N- Hey I'm back!!! Thanks for all the views and votes! You guys are awesome!

So, what going to happen to Y/N? And who's taken her? Her dad? BTS? Or someone else ...


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