Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Fan Fiction (Part I)

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           My heart was hammering in my chest so violently that I thought it would break free at any second. Usually, this doesn’t happen before any of our concerts, but tonight is the night of our largest one yet. We, the band of my three closest friends and I, were going to perform our newest single One More Time in what was possibly the largest city on Interstella, the wonderful planet we all call home. I looked over at Baryl and Octave, the comical drummer and the more serious lead vocalist who also played the keyboard, who were laughing, most likely at one of the many jokes that Baryl made. I then glanced over at Arpegius, who was strumming softly on his guitar. He looked up, noticed me staring, and gave me a small smile.

            “Hey, Stell. You nervous?” he asked as I blushed. I’m not saying that there’s anything between Arp and I, because there’s not. We’ve just known each other for pretty much all of our lives. He and I are really good friends, and I guess you could say that he’s my best friend.

            “No,” I lied, and he gave me a look that said that he didn’t believe me. “I’m just… Yeah, I’m really nervous. I don’t want to look like it when we go on. Is it really that obvious?”

            “Kind of. But then again, I have known you for most of my life. None of the fans out there know you like I do. You’re like my little sister.” Even when I said I didn’t have feelings for him, the words still kind of stung. “You look fine, and to be honest, I’m a little nervous myself.”

            “Who’s nervous for what? Your first date together?” asked Baryl in a mocking tone as he and Octave made their way over to where Arpegius and I were standing. They both chuckled at Baryl’s joke. He and Octave always tease Arp and me about dating. At this point, I’m pretty sure my face, and maybe Arp’s, was as red as a tomato. I looked over at him, his face was the same shade of blue it’s always been. Either he didn’t like me like that or didn’t care.

            “I… No… We weren’t… We aren’t… He doesn’t… No… I don’t… What…” I stammered. I couldn’t lose my calm minutes before we preformed at out largest concert yet. It also didn’t help by thinking of it like that, as our largest concert yet.

            “Sure you weren’t. The look on your face, Stella, betrays you. Just admit that you are in love with Arpegius, and we’ll leave you alone… maybe…” Octave said with a sly smirk on his face. Baryl also had a smirk on his face as if he knew something I didn’t know.

            Like the most of our fans, Baryl, and possibly Octave, thought Arp and I should go out. I considered this in the past when the band first got together and when I hadn’t completely suppressed my feelings for him, but I decided to not say anything about it. What would happen when we broke up? Would things be awkward between us? Would Arp and the boys want to kick me out of the band? Would I be expected to date the other members of the band? Trust me when I say I’m not the girl who wants to go out with every boy she can. I’m more of the type to admire from afar, and not do anything about it. Ever. And, that’s exactly what I did with Arp because it is already awkward enough to crush on your best friend, let alone your best friend who is in the same band as you.

            “No, I’m just really nervous for our concert. There will be over one thousand people watching. And, it’s going to be broadcasted on live TV,” Arpegius said, covering for me. He was one of those boys who seem all tough and bad boyish, but he isn’t really the bad-boy type. He knows that sometimes I feel like the odd-man-out because I am the only girl in our band. “I’m totally going to trip over my guitar’s cord! I can’t do those cool spinning moves Stella can do,” he continued while flashing the grin that melted thousands of girls’ hearts at me. It used to work on me when I was younger and less mature, but through the years, I have stopped falling for it… almost.

Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now