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I jump out of bed and let out a slight scream. I look over to the banging and see Avan, banging his cymbals right next to my bed. He's in my room. I glare at him and stand up out of my bed.
     "......GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU-"
     "ROSEMARY! Stop yelling at your brother and get ready for school, you're going to be late! Mr. Buffins already called me twice this week because you weren't in his class on time..." Mother calls from downstairs. I could care less about school, it's like going to jail every freaking day. I roll my eyes and shove my brother out if my room and close the door.
     I get dressed in my red sweater, maroon vest, ripped jeans, and some brown boots. I braid my bright pink hair and pull part of it back. I grab my school bag along with my purse and run downstairs. I grab a protein bar out of the pantry and go to the garage door.
     "Ah, ah ah. You're going on the bus, I paid fees for a reason," Mother says right as I grab the doorknob.
     "Mom I got my license. I'm driving myself," I state and run out the door, slamming it behind me. I jump into my black Jeep and start it up. God, can she leave me alone. I just wanna see...her. I got to get there early... Mother comes it the door just as I drive out if the garage and down the driveway.
     "ROSEMARY ALICE BOOSHER!" Mother yells from the open garage, her face red with rage.
     "Oh Mother...when will you let stuff go..." I laugh a little and roll down the windows, music blaring.

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