Chapter 2

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It'd been atleast two hours sense I had saw Poppy, and I was kind of worried. Rushing through the swaying bodies of drunk people to find her was making this even more stressful.

I had called her numerous times, but she didn't answer.

I walked out to the porch of the large lake house and sat down attempting to call Poppy yet again, but only getting her voicemail.

"Poppy, it's Lorin, please call me back I haven't saw you in hours." I spoke in a hushed and worried tone.

Ending the call I laid my head back and shut my eyes, thinking of were she could be.

I quickly stood up and started to make my way into the house only to bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I apologized quickly, looking up to see a gorgeous guy with brown curly hair and vibrant green eyes.

"No love, it's me thats sorry, I should have paid more attention." His voice sounded so pure and smooth.

"It's fine.." I paused not knowing is name, then I remembered Poppy "Have you saw a girl with really long bleach blonde hair, bright blue eyes, with a really short red dress on, by any chance?"

"Uhm, yes I did follow me." He smiled turning and walking back through the house. Following him made me feel like a child he was so much larger than me in every aspect.

"Is that her?" He asked pointing to the passed out blonde on the couch.

I sighed then nodded "Yes, that would be Poppy."

"That's a beautiful name. but surely yours is better." He smirked.

"My name is Lorin, its a plain name really, aside from how my mother spelled it." I explaind.

"I think it's a lovely name. My name is Harry," He spoke slowly, he was so seductive in everything he did. From the way he spoke to the way he looked, he was to good to be true.

"Well thank you, but if you'll excuse me I have to get Poppy home before her mother kills us." I said while walking towards Poppy.

"You might need this." He said handing me my phone.

"How'd you get my phone?" I asked curiously.

"You droped it when I bumped into you." He simply shrugged "Now let me carry your drunk friend to your car."


"Poppy... Poppy." I called out as i shook my bestfriend trying to wake her up.

"What?" She groaned opening her eyes.

"Wake up and walk insid so I don't have to carry you." I said opening her door.

"Why are we at your house?" Poppy questioned getting out of the car and following me inside.

"Because your mom doesn't need to see you like this, so I told her we were going to my house tonight." I said smiling at my brilliant plan that her mom believed.

"So did you see him tonight?" She asked refering to Harry.

"Yes I did, and he's very pleasent." I answered recieving a look from Poppy while tossing my stuff aside in my room.

"How'd you meet him? He doesn't talk to anyone!" Poppy exclaimed.

"We bumped into each other and started talking, he packed you out to my car after you passed out." I said as if it was no big deal.

I grabbed some clothes for me and some for Poppy then got into bed. Poppy yawned then spoke "It's just weird, he's quiet, and rude to everyone else and nice to you. I just don't think this is right."

I rolled over and turned my lamp off "Whatever. I'll never see him again."

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