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It was one of those hot and stuffy nights in the middle of summer. The ones that you really hated. Sweat dripped from your forehead, and soaked your clothes. You felt really disgusting and mucky in them. Usually, you never sweat; your powers prevented that from ever really happening. But your powers were weak now, so you couldn't do anything about it. And being stranded, walking down a long road in the middle of nowhere (a dessert) didn't help either. You wanted so badly to sit down, and rest, or possibly even sleep. But you knew that you couldn't do that. You have gotten this far already, you couldn't just give up and let him find you. 

You continued to walk down that long road throughout the night. Of course in the state you were in, you were going at a very slow pace, but at least you were still moving. Still in the tight black jeans, gray T-shirt, and black hoodie you had stolen earlier on, you were at least as comfortable as you could get. Not in a long silky and tight dress with a corset that almost prevented you from breathing. No crown, no makeup,no hair up and fancy, no nothing. And It was all so different  for you. But you liked this feeling. It was a true feeling of freedom.

You finally came across a gas station. 

'Yes!' you thought, excitement flooding throughout you. You had finally found somewhere to get some water. Walking into the little food mart, you dug some of the american cash out of your pocket. Running up to the wall with a bunch of waters, you grabbed ten of them, and made your way back to the cash register, the clerk's back turned to you. 

"Hello, ready to-" he started, but froze the minute he saw you. You had your hands full with all the water bottles, which looked only slightly odd. "Yes, yes I am!" you responded, shoving a bunch of the green papers onto the counter, and heading to the door, grabbing a plastic bag you saw hanging on a hanger. 

"Keep the change!" you shouted back at him, assuring yourself that that was the correct term to use. You shoved all nine of the water bottles into the back, and uncapped the remaining one left in your hand. Chugging down the whole thing in less than five seconds, you sighed in relief. A nice cool feeling washed over you like a wave at the beach. Then, a sudden thought had hit you. Will your powers work now? Now that you had finally drank some water, it has to. Holding the empty plastic bottle to eye level, you took in a deep breath. Concentrating on the bottle, you felt an even colder sensation come over you. This was a good sign. Looking around you once more to make sure no one can see, finally tried it. And it worked. Frost slowly crept it's way up the transparent plastic, until it reached the cap (which you had screwed on tight). The frost then started to crystalize more, sending beautiful patterns across the bottle. When it had completely iced over, you smiled happily. You powers were working again! With pure pride and excitement, you smashed the bottle in your hand, little chunks of ice melting instantly as it made contact with the hot pavement. 

You were so caught up in dancing around the gas station in excitement, you didn't notice a truck pull up into a parking space. A man with a short grey beard, white tank top, and bandana stepped out, giving you a weird look. You stopped, and kicked at the ground embarrassed. He entered the food mart, the door swinging shut behind him. An idea suddenly hit you. You walked over to the truck, observing it. It was one of those fords with a long bed in the back. A tarp covered whatever was in the bed, and you guessed it was to make sure nothing had gotten to hot from direct sunlight. You glanced at the food mart, making sure the guy hadn't exited yet. 'Okay, so I have two options: 1.) steal the truck, and drive off. Or 2.)hide under the tarp and get out at wherever he stops,' you thought to yourself. Considering the two options, you decided to go with option #2. After all, you didn't know this part of the world at all, and you were not such a great driver. 

Lifting up the black tarp (It was rather hot, but you used your powers to cool it down), you slung your bag of water over the side and pushed it as far as it would go. Apparently, this guy had a bunch of metal parts in the back of his truck. You heaved yourself up, and squirmed into the little space you had. After making sure that you wouldn't be killed in the position, you slung the tarp back over your head and prepared for the long journey ahead.

Life with the Teen Titans (Teen Titans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now