Chapter One

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Stretching your arms out and yawning, you slumped onto the couch in the living room of the tower. Gazing out the window at the sea where the sun was slowly setting, you took in a breath.

"Tired much?" Raven sighed, sitting down next to you. "Definitely," you mumbled. You noticed that she had changed into a dark gray sweatshirt, and black skinny jeans. It wasn't normal for her to be out of her "costume", but what ever floats her boat.

"You haven't changed yet," raven said, tilting her head and pointing at your outfit. You realized that she was in fact right, and that you haven't changed out of your outfit yet. You knew why this confused Raven; you were usually the first one to change because you like the feeling of a nice comfy pair of jeans and a T-shirt. You considered going to change for a moment, but decided not to. You didn't feel like walking down the many halls in the Titans tower  just to get to your room. You were exhausted after you had to take down what seemed like a whole army of some evil tamaranian creatures that Starfire had claimed were sent by her sister. They were some half man half lizard type of thing that could fly and were extremely strong and powerful. You and the Titans had stopped and prevented them from entering the city just in time. 

Resting your head against the soft and comfortable cushion of the couch, you closed your eyes and started to doze off when a sudden thought hit you. 

"Wheres Jaime?" you asked out loud as garfield entered the room. 

"He said he had to get back to the soup kitchen and help Traci out. He was literally out the door the minute we got back. Said he lied to Traci and faked having a dentist appointment," Garfield said with a shrug, slumping next to Raven on the couch, who now had her nose in one of her books. You closed your eyes again, just wanting to take a quick nap, but not go all the way to your room to get into your bed. Just as you were in a nice and settled position, garfield pulled out his phone and checked his twitter. The volume up, the little chirps of the twitter notifications could clearly be heard. You felt Raven stiffen beside you, also obviously annoyed by the sound.

Just as you've had enough of hearing sounds coming from gar's phone, you abruptly stood up. 

"I'm going to be in my room if anyone needs me," you  muttered, quite angrily. At a fast pace, you stormed out of the living room area. You swore you heard a "Did I do anything?" come from beast boy.

Strutting down the hall, your gaze was so caught up in the floor that you weren't aware of where you were walking, and slammed into someone. 

"Oooof!" you heard your close friend, Kori' say as you two impacted. Rubbing your head, you quickly stood up and offered you her hand. "Kori', I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You apologized, pulling her up. 

"Do not worry, friend Y/N! I am completely fine, I should've been more careful as well," She said, beaming. That was one of the things you loved about Kori': She was a strong and determined leader, but also loving and nice at the same time. Merciless, yet kind. "Okay, well I'm going to be in my bedroom if you need me," you said, turning around to walk off. 

"Wait!" You heard Kori' shout, flying in front of you to grab your attention. You nodded your head for her to continue. "I was just thinking, the whole team should go out to dinner tonight. For doing such a wonderful job fighting off those Garnlales," She said, shrugging and grinning. At the moment you werent really up to the idea, granted you were very tired. But you thought about it for a moment: She said for dinner, and it was still afternoon, which meant you still had a couple of hours to rest before dinner. And by the time it was dinner and you were well rested, you'd be hungry anyways.

"Actually, that's a pretty good idea," You said, smiling back at her. Her face lit up even more, and she pulled you into a tight embrace. "Thank you Y/N, I shall go tell the others!" She said, letting go of you and zooming towards the direction of the living room. Smiling to yourself, you headed to your bedroom to go and take a nap.

(Time skip to three hours later)

You heard a soft knocking on your door. Rubbing your eyes and crawling out of bed, you made your way to the door. Opening it, you saw a beaming Starfire in a nice and sleek purple dress that really made her skin tone stand out. She looked beautiful, especially with the white flower in her hair, which was brushed out neatly and down. 

"Kori', you look beautiful, but why are you dressed like that?" you questioned, puzzled. She frowned at yiu slightly, the corners of her mouth dipping down a little. 

"I thought you wanted to go to dinner..." she started as it hit you. "Ohhhh! I thought you meant like a normal causal dinner," You said, face palming at your idiocy. "Oh, no! Sorry I didn't make it clear! I reserved a table at the Lumiere," She grinned, walking into your room and closing the door behind her. "So we need to find you something nice and suitable to wear," She continued, starting to dig through your closet. After what felt like forever with a bunch of "no's" and "Hmmm, won't go together's" and "You have this'", she pulled out beautiful silver and blue dress that you didnt even know existed. 

"go put this on," she said, practically demanding you

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"go put this on," she said, practically demanding you. Sighing in defeat, you changed into the dress. Surprisingly, it actually looked really good on you.
"Beautiful!" Kori' said, giving you a thumbs up as she escorted you to a vanity to do your hair and makeup.

After getting your makeup on and finding matching heels, you and Kori' stepped out into the living room where the rest of the team was, nicely dressed. "Wow, you look great Y/N!" Garfield blurted out, but then covered his mouth. "Yeah, that looks good on you," Raven said, approvingly. After complimenting their outfits, you all headed out to dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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